As with Oblivion, players have several options for melee combat. Your warrior can equip swords, shields, maces, axes, or two-handed weapons. Specializing in a particular weapon is the best way to go, as it gives you the opportunity to improve your attacking skills with special perks. For instance, the sword perk increases your chances of landing a critical strike, the axe perk punishes enemies with residual bleeding damage after each blow, and the mace perk ignores armor on your enemies to land more powerful strikes.
This better not mean there's only one perk per weapon. That would be crap, I thought perks were added in order to add variation and make the weapons seem different. One perk per weapon will hardly do that, especially since the perks mentioned in the quote don't really seem to do all that much.
Later on it mentions shield perks (plural), so I'm not really sure what to think.