for a printable Excel spreadsheet with all of the settings that would be helpful to have handy whilst playing the game. for the above, but as a .jpg instead (useful if you don't have Excel... like me).
Anyways, I went back over the settings and smoothed them out a bit. i took a bit of advice I got the other day and lowered the skill/attribute level requirements a little bit, but they're still quite high if you plan on advancing very far into any faction. Something I looked into more thoroughly this go around was the relationship of favored attributes and the governing attributes of favored skills. Because BTB's Game Improvements removes natural misc skill growth, this relationship becomes more important than before, so I did some very conservative adjusting in that department (which I doubt anyone will notice since nobody seems to know which attributes the Temple favors in the first place). Just a little bit of editing went a long way in that regard, and I feel that the end result is a much better spread of favored attributes than before.