I'm thinking of just adding another 2GB of RAM to it, bringing the total to 4. I know that my XP Home will only recognize like 3-3.5 of it, but I'm gonna install 2x1GB sticks anyway. How are these? - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820134012
I'm only tentatively thinking about upgrading the PSU. It will only be a requirement if my current PSU (came stock with the PC, I think it's a 300W) can't hand the new GPU. This is one I'm looking at - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817822004
Now on to the fun part, the GPU. I have an ATi Radeon HD 3850. What would be a good upgrade from that card while keeping the price of the GPU alone under $100? I'll switch to an NVidia if it's a better bang for the buck, but I'm a bit of an ATi fan. The problem is I haven't kept up with the hardware wars for the past couple years, so I don't know who is top-dog this particular week.
And now Networking questions!
I have a Linksys WRT54G2 router that's in the living room. But I'm constantly dropping wireless signal in the bedroom (keep in mind that the house is BARELY 1000 sq. ft.). Could this be because the router isn't pumping out enough juice, or is it because my USB wireless adapter just svcks at picking up the signal?
Either way, I'm looking to fix this problem. I want to get a bridge adapter in my room, so that I can run my XBox 360, PC, and DirecTV HDDVR. What is a good quality, yet inexpensive, bridge? I need at least 4 ports. I've searched NewEgg, but I have no idea what I'm really looking for, or maybe I just can't find it. Should I just get a bridge for the room? Do I need a new router also?
While we're on the subject of routers, how hard is it to flash my router with DD-WRT? Do I even really need to?
Thanks, all!