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Anyone else upset that it's gone ?
Armor and weapons degradation could of made Fallout 4 so much better with the crafting system we have.
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Anyone else upset that it's gone ?
Armor and weapons degradation could of made Fallout 4 so much better with the crafting system we have.
Well, it is like it is I assume, though I feel with you. It always svcks when they strip features to make room for new features. I never get to follow such policies. But Skyrim has shown that removing degradation wasn't such a big pain to deal with.
With FO4 I'm sure they will have messed up the UI in favor of consolers again. They will likely stripped a lot of other small features we were used to from FO3 and NV. But I have high hopes they've build up on Skyrim and its gameplay mechanics to present a much more immersive and satisfying experience then we had in, f.e. Oblivion. True, lot of things need to be modded, but the base will be just as good as Skyrim was. I have no doubts about this.
>A mechanic that didn't work, has never worked in any game its ever been in, and has never been done well in a mod gets removed
I feel slight joy that they didn't waste time making to make what would only amount to another failed and laughably bad repair system. But nothing beyond that.
If it makes you feel any better, NMA is tearing the game a part.
I don't think I'm going to miss it. Didn't particularly miss it in Skyrim.
While I would have liked some kind of degradation system, in a choice between reprising Fallout 3's repair system and scrapping repair altogether ... I'd rather it be scrapped.
But of course all this is moot because modders will put it back in, and hopefully even console peasants like myself will be able to add degradation back in if we want.
Gone?!?! Hell yeah! Good riddance! That was the most annoying crap in NV. I saw that garbage in Oblivion too and was glad it didn't make it into Skyrim.
Like they have done with every Fallout game since Fallout 2?
Does this REALLY suprise anyone?
Not really. I lurk there sometimes to at least get a dissenting opinion but with all the leaks, it's just become a hatefest.
It was a pain for me when Bethesda Game Studios removed it from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim I lost a lot of enjoyment of why I loved playing The Elder Scrolls video games a lot.
I still go back to this day today to play The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind at least once a week or so and I have fun repairing the armor and weapons.
did not know that it was removed
I like that it was removed just was an anyoence
NMA is a really devoted fan from Fallout 1 that keep crying over and over about the games not been the same as Fallout 1
Yeah, Morrowind played in a whole different league then Oblivion or any previous FO title. But after 4 years...Skyrim is the best. They removed a lot that's true, but I will never forget all the precious moments I had when playing the game. It's definately on par with Morrowind for me.
Old Fallout didn't have it nor was it done well.
Even though the 3 classic old Fallout video games don't have armor and weapons degradation system.
The armor and degradation system in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas made them more enjoyable and fun to play and gave them a more challenging feeling of having to maintain your armor and weapons.
I think having the option to turn it on/off would be a fair compromise. I absolutely hated it in NV.
Nah, that crap was annoying. It wasn't even challenging, if my weapon broke, I'd just pause and switch to another one, that's it. I think the pinnacle of when it got annoying was when I was fighting a swamplurk king with the Tesla cannon and I had nothing to repair it with.
I am of two minds on not having degradation. It did add to the nuance of the game and made me feel that just not ammo and food were the scarce resources. But, it became an auto mechanic after a short period of time as something to do just before heading out. There was no real game play surrounding it. I also for sure used up unique weapons to repair common ones by mistake with Jury Rig. So, will I miss not having to repair things, a little, will I enjoy not having to repair things, quite a bit.
Wasn't annoying for me.
I hardly paused and switched to another weapon.
Yeah but you still paused to repair the one you were using.
Yes it was a bit wierd to repair a weapon by magically melding it with another, but they could've replaced it with a better system though, rather than outright remove it. I would've been happy with slower degredation, but you have to repair at a workbench and only with scrap metal and the right parts. A wasted opportunity, but not surprising they just didn't bother. Pity.
I expected the dumbing down process to remove weapon/armour degredation. So no surprises here.
At least the power armor will need an energy source. Although that necesscity will likely be removed in Fallout 5 thanks to the "wider audience".