Let me just say that I am a huge fan of the Elder's Scroll series (So you guys don't call me a troll), but I have to say I am VERY disappointed in the direction that this game is headed.
Here are the reasons why:
No spears. In a Nordic setting. What???
Classes removed. Again....what?!?!
No crossbows. Todd thinks they are stupid. Oblivion NPC M'aig confirms this.
Spellmaking removed (unlimited possibilities of fun removed)
Less spells
Fallout-like perks replace birthsigns. :/
Graphics looks only SLIGHTLY improved from Oblivion
No more attributes
UI is inspired by apple with no mouse support
Fast travel, compass both return in this game
I'm really disappointed. I loved this series...
Is all of that confirmed?
If all of it is, then I can agree with that. There shouldn't even be Fallout-like perks in TES to begin with. I thought Birth signs were hokey, but at least they fit in a fantasy setting.
My problem with recent TES, (and the recent Fallout's, and what passes for RPG's in general these days), is that the newer games try to eschew any notion of character; focusing more on the trivial cosmetic aspect that non-RPG players tend to respond to. The games are seemingly designed with the idea that saying 'no' is a cardinal sin of game design, yet its always been a cardinal rule of game mechanics. In RPG's a PC is like a tool with certain abilities. Each time you play the game you try a new 'tool' with different abilities and ideally the game responds in kind with sensible results. Committing to one path in exchange for above average (or even exclusive) ability in that path is supposed to be a game affecting decision. Oblivion all but threw that out with the wash, and Skyrim looks to have never even broached the concept. IMO RPG's are rapidly devolving into action simulators (because that seems to be what the majority of players want; I've read posts before ~and even today that tout playing the games just to kill stuff and feel powerful). I enjoyed Fallout(1) most in the Glow, reading the FEV logs. :shrug:
Nothing remotely like that in Fallout 3 that I ever found.
The graphics payload for modern titles is improving phenomenally, while the fiction, depth, and player expectations have IMO hit new lows. Somebody needs to be making Fallout caliber RPG's once again (and I'm not talking Fallout 3 ~If you strip out all graphics from both games, IMO Fallout 3 has nothing on Fallout 1). The last AAA title that I really liked without reservations was the Witcher, and even that franchise looks to have been mangled into something more palatable to the mainstream audience for Witcher 2.

Now the catch with TES is that it is evolving into exactly what they wanted it to be; so its not really wrong, its just not looked upon kindly by those players that have more traditional expectation of an RPG's proper strong points, and what really counts in terms of quality. The more I play Dagger fall, the more I find that I like it better than Oblivion, and wish they would make something like it with a modern engine, then we'd have ourselves a DaggerFall 2. BTW I bought Oblivion first, and had never heard of Daggerfall before 2007. :shrug: