Let me just say that I am a huge fan of the Elder's Scroll series (So you guys don't call me a troll), but I have to say I am VERY disappointed in the direction that this game is headed.
Here are the reasons why:
No spears. In a Nordic setting. What???
Classes removed. Again....what?!?!
No crossbows. Todd thinks they are stupid. Oblivion NPC M'aig confirms this.
Spellmaking removed (unlimited possibilities of fun removed)
Less spells
Fallout-like perks replace birthsigns. :/
Graphics looks only SLIGHTLY improved from Oblivion
No more attributes
UI is inspired by apple with no mouse support
Fast travel, compass both return in this game
I'm really disappointed. I loved this series...
1. No spears. I wouldnt mind seeing them, but it wont destroy the game. Its not a new direction for the series, after all oblivion didnt have spears
2. Classes removed. Dont see this as an issue. There have never been classes in TES really.
3. No crossbows. Not a big deal to me. The variety would be nice, but historically they have functioned in an identical manner to bows, so this is neither a new direction for the series, nor does it make much of a difference.
4. Spellmaking removed hasnt been confirmed. I'll be disappointed if its not in.
5. Fewer Spells. Are we sure about this? Wasnt there uncertainty as to whether this was the number of spells, or the number of spell effects? This isnt one that worries me. I think there will be enough
6. The branching perk set-up appears to have much more depth than the birthsigns. You dont need to make just one decision right at the start. Why is this bad?
7. Graphics. Hard to tell right now, but you agree that theyve improved? Thats a good thing, right?
8. No more attributes. I'm not sure where I stand on this, in theory its bad, but that levelling system needed a huge overhaul, and if this helps fix that, then it will be a plus for me.
9. UI does have mouse support, and being inspired by Apple is no bad thing. Its generally acknowledged to have the slickest design around.
10. Fast travel has always been a part of the series, and I didnt think that the compass had been confirmed?. I can put up with the compass, but if its not in it needs an alternative.
On the flipside...
1. Better levelling system
2. Random quests
3. Improved faces
4. More unique dungeons
5. Beards. (people were distraught about their absence last time!

6. Improved conversation system
7. Better archery. No more pincusions walking around
8. Dual Wielding
9. New and Improved crafting system
10. New game engine and improved graphics (and hopefully animation)