» Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:15 am
Jedi Server, TIA/Crash Site Only. We are currently looking for new clan members (currently we have 6 players unofficially). If you want to make an OFFICIAL application, apply over at http://www.gametracker.com/clan/thejedi . We DO NOT just accept "anyone".
We don't have a ping cap, BUT whenever I play and admin the server at the same time, I ban anyone off with a ping over 200.
Just as a note: One of our clan members lives all the way in SCOTLAND and his ping never goes above 94 on my server. So for the love of common sense, don't join my server if your ping svcks. We will perma-ban you (we save our server config files every 30 minutes and compile a master ban list from it manually every night INCLUDING YOUR PROFILE ID so even if you change your name, you're still perma-banned)
Thanks! This is type of server I'm looking for, where every player has low ping. I'll be adding it.