I use a controller & I'm playing well. Am I alone in that?

Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:34 pm

I'm sorry for answering the question in your original post. I'll try not to be so prideful next time. Hopefully I see you in-game sometime.

Happy fraggin'


That phrase is pretty ironic, if you think about it. 'Cause sounding like a smart-ass actually makes you sound stupid. I guess cooldudesubho was right, explaining things to you IS like explaining to a 5 year old. I doubt you really understand what I meant, it's probably more than you can comprehend.

"Happy fraggin'"
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:52 am

I mean, I'm sorry, but I can't take you seriously when I have to keep explaining what's wrong with your statements by pointing out things that you should have already picked up on from previous posts. It always felt like you were arguing and talking down to me rather than debating the issue, 'cause you never seemed to understand my statements as well as you should for a proper debate.

But then again, you probably don't even understand the difference between arguing and debating.

Oh, well. May as well try to debate a brick wall for all the good talkin to is doin.

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:37 am

i buyed foodpedals to have more buttons(jump,crouch on pedals) and now iam firing with my keyboard and on my left mouse are meele and on the right ads :)
but i would really see your gameplay ;)
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:50 am

I mean, I'm sorry, but I can't take you seriously when I have to keep explaining what's wrong with your statements by pointing out things that you should have already picked up on from previous posts. It always felt like you were arguing and talking down to me rather than debating the issue, 'cause you never seemed to understand my statements as well as you should for a proper debate.

But then again, you probably don't even understand the difference between arguing and debating.

Oh, well. May as well try to debate a brick wall for all the good talkin to is doin.

Maybe you should go through some of Sdubs previous posts and you will find that he was only trying to be helpful.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:03 pm

You will not have a chance against serious players.

Like extremely good Grendel and Reflex Sniper players?

Neither will you.

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Richus Dude
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:42 pm

You will not have a chance against serious players.

Like extremely good Grendel and Reflex Sniper players?...

Even against them. I'm even not talking about scar+laser players.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:09 am

Jeez....that was mean. I honestly answered your question and you got upset with me. I understood what you said. No reason to be so mean....

If you really want to test your skill with a controller join a FVIC pick up group.
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:30 pm

Here: http://c2stats.com/pc/p_Liberte-BR

This is the potential you can reach. Now that there is a good stats sheet. And he plays with Xbox controller.

In fact, Liberte only use xbox controler for movements, for aiming he uses the mouse , an icari from steelseries

in my opinion, controler will never get close in performance to mouse for aiming

but good luck anyway
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saharen beauty
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:28 am

Also, there were in fact plenty of times in Crisis 2 when someone popped in behind me, I spun and fired first, I consistently hit him from the first shot, and the only reason I died most of those times is because I haven't unlocked the better weapons yet, not because I didn't react well enough. And there were plenty of other occasions where someone thought they had the jump on me from whatever position, and I spotted them in time, turned and fired first, consistently landed my shots, and only died cause of my low level weapons. Once I unlock decent weapons, I won't be doing nearly as bad. Anyway, my point is, I do in fact react like you say isn't possible with a controller all the time, whether in Crysis 2 or Halo: Reach. If you wan't an example of what a skilled controller player can do in Crysis 2, someone already posted a vid and stats, so take a look.
i have to say that you havent unlockd better weapons till now is a bad excuse because the weapons you unlock later are not really better its all about the way you use it. i know many players who beat the **** out of me with the scar(not necessarily with laser) but arent as good with the feline or the scarab. so no personal offense but that you dont have unlocked better weapons is a bad excuse.
and back to topic i think like sdub that its nearlly impossible to get as good with the controller as the best players with m+k. I know a bit about i played cod4 with a controller and then switched to m+k and it is really better for me. so maybe you should really try it.
greetings leut
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:36 am

yeah, the scar is one of the strongest weapons in the game. 85% of the time it'll win over any other weapon - at close to decent range.

I hate to say it, but there's a reason nearly everyone here uses a mouse and keyboard. it's way easier.

That's not to say you can't get decent scores with a controller, but it's gonna take a lot more effort.
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Tyler F
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:34 am

I was killed a lot by machine guns that are significantly more effective than what I have. And I suppose it doesn't help that in shooters I usually don't do well with assault rifles, do a lot better with sub machine guns, and I haven't unlocked the smg's yet.
Also. "You should try m+k." "You should try m+k." How many times do I have to say this? I don't have much skill with m+k after using pc's for 25 years. How much do you want me to try? Please try to effing understand that fact this time. I'm tired of people just ignoring anything in my comments that contradict what they want to believe.
Is it really that hard to accept that someone could have had a different experience than you? Is there really no good playstyle but yours? No one has a very different style of play that works differently? You don't think the reason I disagree could possibly be anything but me being wrong about everything? Do you really know and understand more about my personal experiences than I do?
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Quick Draw
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:32 am

Can anyone admit that it might be possible that, for whatever reason, I personally have a higher ceiling to my skill level on controller than m+k? Can anyone at least admit that it's possible? Even if it doesn't apply to most people? Even if it means that I'm strange and backwards, can someone acknowledge the possibility of this scenario?
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Emily Graham
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:36 am

'Cause that's why I'm mad, because I have the impression that it's not even possible for you to do so.
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jessica robson
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:46 am

There is a simple explanation to why the mouse is superior.

With a controller, you're using sticks to adjust the direction of where your aim is moving, and how fast it's moving towards that direction, and when it stops.

With a mouse, you're using more than just one, or two direction and movement determining "forces" (like one thumbstick controlling horizontally, one vertically), you have instead have TONS of similar replacements for the thumbsticks (different muscles in your arm, wrist and fingers amounting to probably 20-30 muscles, all affecting the movement of your mouse(and DIRECTLY the position of your crosshair) in a different way, one that you have natural control over).

Basically, instead of two thumbsticks that you're moving with a few muscles to affect your crosshairs MOVEMENT, you have 20-30 muscles pretty much directly determining the LOCATION of your crosshair, not just how fast it's moving and in which direction.

It's like comparing to the first dualcore of graph targeting to a 24-core epic CPU with hyper-threading and insane clock-speeds, one of the 3 steps needed to complete its tasks removed.

This also explains why ultimately, aiming with your entire arm provides more control over your target than aiming with your wrist, or your fingers.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:07 am

well, i already saw people walking with their hands, and playing guitar with their foots...

good luck man

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kirsty williams
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:04 am

NinjaMatt, I can understand how a person can be better with a controller than they are with KB+M. I understand that you might be that person, and I personally am totally fine with that. When I first posted, I made it very clear that it was my opinion about strictly the hardware. You then went on to reiterate only 1 thing to me, and got very upset about having to explain things when you only did so once. Your anger sir, is a little unjustified.

I understand that you can turn and strafe at the same time, and modify your sensitivity to increase your reaction time. However, in regards to JUST THE HARDWARE, there is an inherent speed ramping with controllers. You can not twitch as easily or as effectively and this is afterall, a twitch shooter, and is emphasized even more so with the gratuitous amount of stealth usage. Another thing that I will say again that you did not acknowledge or respond to, was that your joystick has a limit on how far it can go in a certain direction. Your hardware limits you. What limits me, is how fast my shoulder and elbow push my mouse.

You made some very awesome points about map iteration, and I completely understand them, and they are applicable to Crysis 2 in a big way, however this game requires some more attention to map knowledge, reaction time, and situational awareness. You can't make a judgement call about it after only playing 32 games. The dudes posting in this thread have played this game since release and have very good advice.

I'm sorry for upsetting you, I truly am. I was not sarcastic earlier. I hope you continue to enjoy this game, bro. Use whatever hardware is comfortable for you.
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:47 am

This also explains why ultimately, aiming with your entire arm provides more control over your target than aiming with your wrist, or your fingers.

I have to disagree here. A gamepad user would almost exclusively be using their thumbs for aiming and movement and I agree that that is inferior but I don't agree that you need full arm movement.

For example, I aim using a trackball with my left hand. Now, I usually have at least 3 fingers moving independently over the trackball, whereas with a mouse your fingers are locked in place.

Also, my hand and wrist are moving independently as well as my upper arm to a lesser degree, but the main point is that the lack of full arm movement is compensated by independent movement of more than 3 fingers over the trackball surface, independent movement of the wrist and upper arm.

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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:06 pm

I understand that you can turn and strafe at the same time, and modify your sensitivity to increase your reaction time. However, in regards to JUST THE HARDWARE, there is an inherent speed ramping with controllers. You can not twitch as easily or as effectively and this is afterall, a twitch shooter...

I don't think Crysis 2 is a twitch shooter... CoD is more of a twitch shooter and even then it's hard to class CoD as a twitch shooter...

Where does the idea come from that Crysis is a twitch/soley reaction based FPS?

Crysis is more like Battlefield level of hits than it is Call of Duty and that's without Armour Mode being taken into consideration. It's far from a twitch shooter.
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Ian White
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:34 pm

I try to play mw3 at ps3... pffff my score was 1/25kd, I cant aim with this :/

friends also told me with joy or trackball u have better movement = so enemy cant shoot/kill u easily(I play with friend dead space2 multiplayer he has joystick, I can see its difficult tracking him when walking around at walls) (also in racing games is mouse useless)

I love at mouse that anytime I can change my dpi = when I have different gun or I am blind by grenade(to faster aim)
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:09 am

38-14 using a PS3 controller: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqwS4drhBaE :P
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:44 am

38-14 using a PS3 controller: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqwS4drhBaE :P

WOWWOW nice^^ what no lag ???
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:02 am

38-14 playing on PS3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqwS4drhBaE :P

Fixed. :DDD

Just kidding with ya, WS. but you were on an even playing field (as far as hardware goes). Still, ya threw down.
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:06 pm

friends also told me with joy or trackball u have better movement = so enemy cant shoot/kill u easily(I play with friend dead space2 multiplayer he has joystick, I can see its difficult tracking him when walking around at walls) (also in racing games is mouse useless)

This is true. :) I can do figure-eights in my sleep while shooting at someone. The joystick automatically generates the required sequence of WASD keystrokes.

I love at mouse that anytime I can change my dpi = when I have different gun or I am blind by grenade(to faster aim)

I can do that too. :) My Panther XL USB ver. 4 has DPI control buttons on it.

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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:20 am

This also explains why ultimately, aiming with your entire arm provides more control over your target than aiming with your wrist, or your fingers.

I have to disagree here. A gamepad user would almost exclusively be using their thumbs for aiming and movement and I agree that that is inferior but I don't agree that you need full arm movement.

For example, I aim using a trackball with my left hand. Now, I usually have at least 3 fingers moving independently over the trackball, whereas with a mouse your fingers are locked in place.

Also, my hand and wrist are moving independently as well as my upper arm to a lesser degree, but the main point is that the lack of full arm movement is compensated by independent movement of more than 3 fingers over the trackball surface, independent movement of the wrist and upper arm.


I didn't say you NEED full arm movement. Just, when you look at the basics, it provides the most control.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:23 pm

@Warspirit: I couldn't honestly care less what Cry-Adam says about what the game is supposed to be, however, I did say that ultimately the game relies on map knowledge, situational awareness, and reaction speed the most (if you actually read my entire post, which most people don't :P). All of those tend to lend themselves towards twitch shooters. After the length of time I've played C2, that's the end result I've come to.
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