How will a spear work in Skyrim without it being boring like Morrowind? Simple steal from the best and the combat system from Dark Souls is easily one of the best in any rpg to date. The way there Spears work is really well done and they feel and handle like one.
All they do is poke, sounds boring if you say it like, so lets see how Dark Souls does it. In DS you can block while thrusting although you lose a lot of stamina if you do get hit making your guard break easier. Also thrusting the spear consumes more stamina for the added protection of being able to attack while blocking. Wielding a spear with two hands gives you more reach and power but you lose a shield and your guard is weaker. Additional attributes of the spear is that it penetrates armor and through the opponent as well. There is also the drawback of having a massive recoil if your opponents successfully block leaving you open for a counter attack.
Now imagine a system like that being placed in Skyrim. You actually have to use the spear cautiously as to not be left open
I know its a third person game and it can be different from a first person one but Skyrim needs more variety and complexities in its combat. Elder Scrolls never had deep combat which was okay back in the pre-Oblivion days when the focus was more on rpg mechanics and dice rolling. Now that they are putting more emphasis on action they need to be able to compete with other systems. RPGS have progressed alot since Oblivion and as far as I'm concerned Dark Souls has set the bar to beat for rpgs it has all the elemnets of rpgs that we know and love and all the elements of action that is expected in modern rpgs by the mainstream although it is catered to the hardcoe.
Thoughts and any other game that has good spear mechanics? Mount and Blade is another one I can think of that did it well and that one is first person.