To the additional question:
You can have up to 2 enchantments with the enchantment perk. This means you can have 2 school of magic reduced to 0 magicka cost. Not every school of magic is used nor used often.
For example Alterations spells are actually pretty useless. The main reason to have alteration is for the perks... 30% magic resist and 30% spell absorption. The paralyze spells are really the only remotely useful spells which can be effectively ignored by just using apprentice, adept, or expert tier destruction spells with the impact perk.
The main schools of magic are restoration and destruction, the other two schools of magic you just cast once then you're done, with the obvious exception of invisibility in illusion since that has to be recast somewhat often.
If it was really necessary though, yes, then you could have a second set and that's all you would need. 2 sets with 2 enchantments each for every school except Alteration which is pointless anyways for reasons stated.
If you really have to, sure get some magicka as well, but you wouldn't want outrageous amounts of it before getting some health/stamina.
Either way: "Magic OP".