Used "Merge Dialogs" in Testool

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:08 am

well the title basically says it all.
I used the "JUST FIX IT" button in Testool which cleans ESMs, merges level lists, objects and dialog only to be greeted with a warning in Mlox telling me that I shouldn′t use dialog merge since it is widely considered broken. I thought the button would only execute the option which was highlighted not all of them, but then again I didn′t even know that the dialog merge was broken...
I haven′t even started the game yet, do you think it is ruined? I don′t wanna start it just to find out after x hours that I broke it before I even started playing. And just when I was done picking all the mods I want... :sadvaultboy:

Thanks for any answers
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:23 am

I believe you can simply remove the Merged dialogues.esp that was created.

I don't remember any of the other things that TESTool does causing problems. :)

You might also want to consider using Wrye Mash. It's leveled list merging is considered far superior to TESTool's, not to mention all the other game saving features like saved game cleaning that Mash offers.

You can find the standalone version, or the python version Personally, I prefer the python version, but it can be a pain to set up properly as there are a lot of other required files that need to be installed for it to work. :D

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Andrea P
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:22 am

Yeah just don't use the MergedDialogs plugin. If you do use TEStools merged leveled list you'll need to use the "levelled list resequencer" afterwards since Testool doesn't order the entries correctly.
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:13 pm

Thank you VERY much for your answers :celebration:
I didn′t realise that the way the merging worked was creating esps. I thought once done, never undone.

I even have Wrye Mash installed, I only used it for checking/unchecking esps so far though, but I remember using it for Oblivion. Testools seemed easier to use so I used it, but I will use Wryemesh now.

One more question, should I use the Merged_Objects from Testools? Because I can′t see a similar option for Wrye Mash in the FAQ
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:46 am

MergedObjects should be fine. It has a few problems in "special" circumstances but most of the time it's fine. Also there right now isn't a better alternative for merged objects (Smartmerger might become the heir apparent to TesTool depending on whether the author adds that functionality or not).

BTW, is a great cleaning tool (better by far than Testool) and can create a "merged leveled list" (along with other things). If you interested that is.

Edit: formatting
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:37 am

I'd recommend using for merged objects.

It's still in development, but it's working quite well as is. :D

Edit: Ninja'd :ph34r:

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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:46 am

Ok thanks again ^^
So I should
clean with Tes3cmd
merge objects with Smartmerger
merge level lists with Wrye Bash

Oookay. Merge level lists with Wrye Bash = easy, The other to leave me a little puzzled right now.
Smartmerger has many strange options and that the readme is a unformatted wall of text doesn′t help.
Tes3cmd... okay I guess I′ll figure it out. Command Line programs are something I tend to avoid like the plague but it seems well documented.

€: Okay I′m cleaning sucessfully right now. Man he′s cleaning more cells than I can count :flamethrower:

So if someone could explain how to merge objects in Smartmerger that′d be great, *if* merging objects is really that important
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:40 pm

I wonder where I failed... Smartmerger should do leveled lists, cleaning objects, dialog merging, object merging.... Unless somehow I'm not doing those right.

Anyways. Merging objects is automatic. Dialog merging is automatic. Cleaning requires references but is otherwise automatic. Level list merging is automatic (Unless I have the final output wrong for whatever reason, if so someone please provide me with an example of the right output).

And I'm sorry the readme is a wall of text, but looking over the flags and the brief description should be enough to give you an idea of it's use, and if it doesn't the readme is there for you. The readme is written assuming you are still using the 80x23 text console. Yes you use that a LOT when your using a shell prompt and a little Regex can jump you ANYWHERE in the file in a matter of seconds. I can alternatively include a second version as an HTML document; but in reality it wouldn't be much different and would require more work and eventually 2 different readmes to maintain instead of 1.
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:22 pm

Look at it through the eyes of someone who has no idea of informatics and is new to all the tools...
I′m sure your program is very effective when one knows how to use it properly, but it′s not very intuitive.
With Testools you press a button(:)), with Tes3cmd you can quickly search the commands you need to enter in dosbox in a well formatted FAQ and basically the whole line which I needed to clean stood in the FAQ, with WryeBash they tell you for each option how to achieve it in a well formatted FAQ.
When I look at your GUI I have no idea what on earth is going on, I mean *none* of the fields or options make any sense to me. Then I open the readme and am greeted by a wall of text. It′s just overwhelming when you′re new to this stuff. Your tools seems more for the advanced user which I clearly am not if you look at this thread.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:14 am

Sorry if I insulted your work, Era. It was completely unintentional.

I'm just leery of ANYTHING new. It's probably time I gave Smartmerger a good look. I've been following the thread, but I haven't gotten brave enough to try it yet. :)

I tend to stick to things I know for sure work (not saying yours doesn't). I'm still using the old version of mash for the same reason, even with the installation headaches. :D

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