UseIdleMarker Packages

Post » Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:24 am

I want a npc to use the CrossedArmsIdleMarker ALL the time. Using a UseIdleMarker package just makes the npc stand on the idlemarker as far as I can see. Using a travel package on the same spot with an idle in the package itself doesn't work either does anyone know how to make an npc use an idle animation constantly?

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Paul Rice
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Post » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:43 am

if you MoveTo an actor with a furniture as target, it'll kick the actor into the furniture without even playing the entering ani.

might be worth a try for idle markers too for getting him in.

for the UseIdleMarker procedure, you could try:

1) set a time on the idle marker ref. (in the patrol tab). not sure if this does anything on a single marker though)

2) put the use idle marker procedure in a simultaneous branch together with a wait (or a sandbox maybe? would never complete then and remain where he is), maybe the sim-branch into another branch of a type you can set to "repeat when complete" to make sure, and set the whole package to must complete.

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