» Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:36 am
I have found my calling!
Snail mating can take up to 12 hours. They do it only once in their lifetimes.
More people have walked on the moon than visited the bottom of the ocean.
NASA can no longer build the Saturn V rocket- almost everything related to it was, er, lost.
NASA could have carried out moon landings up to Apollo XX (20).
The United States Government spent about 23 million dollars in 2005. Nobody knows what they spent it on- it's unaccounted for.
Deep-Sea fish can explode if they are brought rapidly to the surface (du-u-uh.)
King Tut was buried with 145 pairs of loincloth underwear.
Iceland is home to 120 glaciers and 100 volcanos.
Bugs Bunny eats Danver variety carrots.
Every year, doctors leave surgical tools in about 1500 patients.
Crickets can't hear their own chirping.
Hugo's Les Miserables contains one of the longest sentences in french literature- 823 words.
For 600 years, the official language of England was French.
99% of pumpkins sold in the US end up becoming jack-o-lanterns.
Edward Despard, in 1803, was the last criminal to be drawn and quartered in England.
In New York, it's illegal to do anything illegal.
Jay Leno's childhood nickname was "Chinzo."
June 2nd is National Bubba Day.
Astronauts get "spacesick" so often that the space shuttle's toilet has a setting for vomit.
In Paraguay, dueling is legal as long as both participants are registered blood donors.
The balanced diet of a human is the same for a rat.
Giraffes are the only animals born with their horns.
Human tapeworms can grow up to 75 feet long.
North Dakota is the only state in the US to never have an earthquake.
In french, potato (pomme de terre) means "earth apple."
There are about 7,500,000,000,000,000,000 grains of sand on the world's beaches.
At -90oF, your breath will freeze and drop to the ground.
The world's largest art museum is the Hermitage, in Russia, containing 322 galleries, and contains nearly 3 million works of art.
Octopuses are deaf.
Pope John Paul II was an honorary Harlem Globetrotter.
Every American and Russian space-flight menu has included chocolate.
The town of Levan, in the center of Utah, is "navel" spelled backwards.
Shortest complete sentence in English: "Go."
In Hot Springs, Arkansas, it's illegal to gargle in public.
Cats, when given an unlimited suppy of mice, will kill about 15 before stopping.
In Canada, it's illegal to board a plane while it's in flight (try pulling THAT one off!)
2,500 people are sent to the Emergency Room every year with... "Toothbrush injuries."
Bless, in it's old english form, meant "to consencrate in blood."
A cat is 30% less likely to survive a fall from a 7-story window than a 20-story window.
Dental Crowns are (slightly) radioactive.
That's it for this post!