Everything throwable like GTAIV, use to hate how people littered, I'd pick up their garbage and toss it back at them, sometimes dragging them out their cars, hitting them with the Garbage and then kicking them to a pulp on the ground.
Lantern, Candels, other light sources for asthetics. for practical use, have a chance at lighting fuel sources (oil,..fur..people)
Bones of all types to be Grinded down into Bonemold armor Enchanted with the Soul of my First Dragon kill as a testament that I am almighty!
tin/Iron/metal objects aformentioned throwable, but also able to smelt them for future weapons/ Armor/ arrows.
anything that can be griped and has lenght and a good width functions as a poor mans Sword

Throwing bottles and foodstuffs to start a good ol Nordic Barfight.