So you agree with me then? It was a bad idea, it did not add to the game. You have ignored many of my questions. I can only assume you realized the obvious that no load time is better than a load time, that having hotkeys for the map and journal is very useful and that being able to see more information at once, whether you prefer it in a grid system or a list is better.
I agree with Beth on nearly everything there doing for Skyrim Sliegn but sometimes you just can't keep defending everything, no company is perfect I don't expect them to be. Skyrim will be awesome, Beth is my fav company but there track record on this issue is not as good as it could be.
No, I didn't ignore anything, I answered to what I thought was the only things worth answering or that I even saw as a question. The premise of your entire thread is based on what they did with OB and FO3 and as I said, those were console port UIs and I specifically said they were making a UI just for the PC, that in itself automatically answers the very premise of the entire thread. I wish people would stop seeing it as "Sleign is just blindly defending Skyrim" instead of just seeing it as reason based on the evidence we have. If I blindly defended Skyrim, then why did I complain about the quick menu pausing the game?
To go in depth of answering questions if I must, I could care less if we somehow got a half a second load time on the menu because it is so miniscule it won't make a noticeable difference and I'm used to having instantaneous loads. Hotkeys were kind've obvious we were going to have them seeing as how the console version has hotkey for maps, spells, inventory and so on with the dpad, it's inherently going to be on the PC plus Todd has already confirmed PC will still have hotkeys. Like I said about seeing more information, UI built for just the PC equates to being able to see more information as it will be reworked to fit high resolutions.
I don't appreciate being told by some people that I'm defending everything as if I'm just making up *bleep* to defend it, it's all from information we have been given, it's right there for you to see, you just have to see it (and for some people, not talking about you, need to be willing to see the information).