It's always been a joke for...well...people that clearly have a brain.
People who complain about the (nonexisting) Master Race are the big deal.
It's always been a joke for...well...people that clearly have a brain.
People who complain about the (nonexisting) Master Race are the big deal.
Same for me. My hand will actually go numb and cold after a while. I work in an office typing all day and at 29 years old am already well on my way to carpal tunnel.
You see, the only people I've seen use it in a way to put others down is when console gamers want to call a PC gamer an elitist.
Even in jest, calling yourself a member of the "PC Master Race" makes you come across like a... certain feminine hygiene product. The one with the nozzle attached to a bag of cleansing solution.
When I do eventually get this game on PC, I'll be using a controller.
Pretty much. It's a meme / thing you run into on game forums & the comments sections on places like Kotaku.
Keyboard & Mouse, just like I use a toilet and not a hole in the ground.
I'm a lefty, so I get to use the arrow keys for movement and the perfect little setup of keys surrounding them for various quick functions like sprint, jump, crouch, grenades, and hotkeys on the keypad. Couldn't be better.
I'm left-handed too...the first time I used Mouse & Keyboard I tried to switch the mouse to my other hand...worked really, really bad.
Now, I play like right-handed people, but I have a hard time strafing to the left (with the A button) while some right-handed friends of mine told me they have problems with strafing to the right (D button).
Man, you really should take advantage of being left handed here and use the arrow keys. Then you can remap ins/del/home/end/pgup/pgdn, backspace, enter, shift, ctrl and all the keypad buttons for everything else. It's pretty damn perfect.
Lefty here as well. The nice thing about PC gaming is the ability (most of the time) to set up a control scheme that works for those of us with atypical dexterity. Most southpaw controller configs are pretty terrible (if a game even offers them), and I'm never going to be able to aim worth a damn with my right thumb.
Personally, I map WASD to the number pad (8-4-5-6) rather than the arrow keys, which leaves me with more surrounding keys in easy reach of all my fingers for everything else. I find using the arrow keys means I can't reach anything easily with my thumb, and I have to move my whole hand to reach much else.
If I was a leftie I would change the keyboard and mouse controls, If I had to use arrow keys and switch the mouse buttons around I would be so lost. I have a buddy who's left handed and I tried using his drum set, it was harder than I imagined.
Don't some games offer a remappable control scheme for gamepads? I might be wrong, but I think some do.
But what about the mouse?
You can only choose different patterns that are already set. With the Steam Controller you can change almost everything, though. At least it looks like it.
Some do, but usually they just have a choice of a few fixed options. Usually the lefty version leaves jumping mapped to one of the ABXY buttons, which doesn't work if you're moving with the right stick--you have to stop moving to jump which makes it near-impossible to jump over something. Very few games (Titanfall) have figured out that a bumper-jumper config is much better for quick running and jumping while still being able to look around and aim at the same time.
Skyrim was one of the few games that let you remap the whole controller--except for swapping look and move. I did manage to make a workable lefty controller mapping by editing a cfg file. Since there is far less aiming in a game without guns, I could manage to play it, but I still find a thumbstick much more awkward than a mouse for just freely looking around.
If you're comfortable right-mousing, then you're golden for using the standard controls.
I use my mouse in my left, but I've never swapped the buttons--I've always held my mouse with my index finger on the left button, and I move my finger over for occasional right-clicking. If I'm using the right button constantly (iron sights), then I shift my fingers and fire with my middle finger.
This thread needs a poll or all the info spread about in all these posts is kind of useless.
Anyway, I only use mouse/keyboard. I tried a game-pad a few times for a FPS on XBox and I could never figure it out. I'm sure with time I could, but my eye/hand coordination is best with the mouse.
On the pc, I usually prefer mouse and keyboard... but that's simply because that's the way I'm used to playing on the pc. In reality it simply comes down to seating. Computer chair = mouse/keyboard. Couch = controller.
The one thing that does look neat with the controller is that you can adjust your walking speed a bit more I watched my brother play New Vegas with a controller a while back, and that looked cool. It's a minor sacrifice to make though, for being able to control the game in a more comfortable way with the mouse and keyboard. I just hope they optimize it, the UI in the last few bethesda games wasn't the best on the PC, and a lot of stuff definately looked like they were made to be navigated with a controller. And especially with this new dialogue system I hope they do a good job. Sometimes in Skyrim I would click on one option and the game would register another, for some reason.
Hmmm, someone changed the name of this topic. It must have fractured someones emotion bone. feels weird and controls are iffy.
Some games translate better to mouse and keyboard for me, and some are better with a controller.
Games like the Batman Arkham series? Waaaay better with a usb controller. Dragon Age Inquisition was a nightmare to play with keyboard and mouse.
TES and Fallout are fine with keyboard and mouse, but I have a preference for the controller. I will always go controller if controller support is an option.
My fine motor skills are definitely better in my left hand, so I need that for quick precise movement and controlled shooting. I have a desk job so my right hand is well acquainted with that side of the keyboard, so I don't really need to even look down to just hit the right button. If your right hand is kinda lame compared to your left, I'm impressed you can control the mouse with it. I can barely hit the screen with the cursor using my right hand.
Huh, interesting. I did that M&K just fine. (But yeah, from what I've seen of the Batman games, I wouldn't think of using anything but controller there.)
NO you are absolutely NOT.
Pc or console preference does NOT make you BETTER or Higher or More important or IN ANY WAY superior to me. Period.
Action games are always horrid with mouse and keyboard. It's literally almost impossible to do some of Batman's moves unless you have a controller. The game is just not built for keyboard and mouse. Dragon Age Inquisition, on the other hand, works perfectly fine with a keyboard and mouse, unlike DAII. All BGS games are better with a mouse and controller because they are first person, not to mention controllers are way too slow for combat. Animations in BGS games are bad enough. No reason to make them even worse by using a controller to emphasize how terrible they typically are.