It will be your login name.
It will be your login name.
sooo whats the difference from having a @username, and your Fourm Username the same as your login?
none whatsoever but why should my login be either @username or my Forum Username? why cant my @username and my Forum Username be the same but totally independant from my Login? and BTW most games allow me ot pick a forum name/username that is independant of my login name
Not sure what you mean.
What people don't like is having their login name visible to the public. Some people don't want an account @handle at all, others (like myself) just want another @handle that isn't also our login name.
exactly let my login name be something like IlikeCybashesacoolPersonAndSeemstohavethesameviewsasme and then let my @username/Forum Name be something cool like @Legolas
I'm meaning This forum, this one right here, that your posting on users you Login as your username, and it is even less secure then in game, someone not even on this forum has access to half your login information because they searched ESO in google.
So why is this not being complained about when @username in game is?
The difference is i know people on the forums will see me as @noobie so i just made up a stupid one... when gaming i dont expect anyone to see my login, i expected them to see character name so used a common one i use alot. So as an example everyone in my guild i join would know the login of my bank account for instance.
because my username on this forum ISNT the same as my login in ESO? and what Noobie said, the people who used a login they use a lot for whatever reason like forexample i suffered a stroke a few years back so my memory isnt very good now so I have only a few logins and a few passwords for everything so IF i had happened to have used my normal login for ESO that I use on most of my other games I would have been in trouble because EVERYONE could see the login, thank god I dont use a normal login when I am beta testing just like I dont use my normal character names when beta testing
This forum isn't the official forum for ESO just so you know, but yes the @handle ingame (our login name) will be seen on the official forums as's the same issue though - just don't think people have realised the @handle (our login name!) will also be displayed in the official forums and haven't started to add that to the list of horrors.
well got a response back from customer support they want all my security info, not my password just the normal stuff, this is going to be a big hassle i can tell.
if your in contact with support please offer them the simple solution of setting up a @username when we create our accounts so that our logins remain safe you have the power man all eyes are on you be our hero
Well maybe you shouldnt tell people it is shared with your bank account, Oh hey! what bank do you use?
Your missing the point, People on fourms normally use their Username that everyone sees AS their login, let along share their email and little thing via clickable links in their profiles, with age, birthday, gender...and make it public....
Good luck figuring out my password I cant figure it out half the time if your truely worried instead of using a password like Pa$$w0rD use Thismypasswordlol
I wouldnt tell anyone its my bank login name im not that stupid. The point is it should have never been an issue creating my account i should have be warned " this login will be displayed in game for everyone to see"
Yeah well I don't. And don't want to start the ball rolling by being forced to give away half my account login info either.
I see you already know I don't give away my info as well - you just visited my profile (looking for mah infos? ).
It always makes me smile when I find a bigger idiot than I thought possible!
I really don't care if they see my user name, because I know how to create a password. Mine would be changed 20 times before you could brute force it anyway cause it would take you a few years.
Then why are you telling people here.... that your @useranme is your bank name....I mean unsless you a duma$$ like my brother dont use the username jewnigga cause you though it was funny. >w>
and really there are other security features in place that are effective. Your password is hard to brute force hack, no really, if your THAT parnoid about your account being hacked, then use the password to the max of its full characters, your have to randomly guess every character, which takes a while....
Why dont you read my post again, I said an example
would you feel happier if you logged in using your email and now having your @ussername shown to everyone, then acutally having the people who are going to set out and hack and steal data and 'brute force attack' your passwords, gain acress to ALL your information in one go?
oh wait..... they can do that anyways, adobe, psn, walmart, target....
woops your crediet card information may have been accidentally stolen cause someone figured out how to bypass our sercuirty systems and access the database directly....
oh boy! I hope you all didnt buy the digital copy...or use a debt or credit card in store for a physical copy.
I'll bust the bubble, I guess.
I feel that there is going to be a lot of 'spies' and cross-alliance intel being transferred in this game. PvP does that to people. And it's harder to steal from a guild and/or betray guild mates when it's your account, not just a throw-away character, that can be fingered.
Blame my mentality on EvE Online, but if account names were linked in that game, the depth of backstabbing would be severely limited.
Know this: if they hide my account name, you can rest assured that I will be in your guild, reporting your position to somebody who has the gold and running off with your bank (as long as it's within the code of conduct). Because that IS the kind of game I enjoy playing, sometimes.
Might as well have both your username and password displayed for all with that logic.
@name is fine .. so long as you pick an account name that is NOT the same as your login name.
So login info is ...
Account name is @MaxCarnage.