Your jumping all over the place topic wise now. And you are mixing apples with oranges here as well. Your account was hacked in Wow before you had an authenticator in wow, because they got your account login, and your password. Is this correct? They needed both. And If you gave out your login to just anyone here in WoW they would have been able to get into your account faster, or slower then? Faster, right? So follow me here... Why would you want to help them out just because it hasn't personally happened to you yet? Just maybe you weren't hacked in GW2 because your were lucky, or no one wanted your stuff, you are under geared and has no gold, or another thousand reasons. And how exactly do you know that there won't be a security issue in ESO? I hope there won't be too, but I don't know and neither do you. Im just not wanting to help them create one by giving out half of my account information.. Now lets take a look at your other idea, about keeping people in line by knowing who they "really" are so we can turn them in faster when they act like asshats... Which some will... And they most likely won't be in your guild when they do... Right? In zone chat mode only the toon name is listed. How are you going to know their account name exactly then? Hummm? This issue only involves guild chat as far as I know, and thats bad enough as it is. I can only hope its not more than this...