I know that some causal gamers don't care, but please PLEASE allow me to use esdf instead of wasd(w=e a=s s=d d=f) the benefits include more local keys around your main movement hand for fast use-key use and you're not scrunched up on the left side of the keyboard, its much better, and its a pc game, this stuff is standard.
I really excelled at using the arrow keys for movements and using a trackball. I had a rather unorthodox setup.
For RTCW and ET:
mouse 1 = shoot
mouse 2 = use\activate
Arrow keys = movement
Enter = sprint
Shift = crouch
Ctrl = jump
/ and \ = previous/next weapon
numpad 0 = reload
numpad 1 = alt fire (zoom)
delete = prone
numpad 2, 3, 5 = class abilities\tools
End = binoculars
I played that way for years. I have started using WASD for a couple years now, but I still am not completely comfortable with it.