» Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:35 am
I'm not an all or nothing sort of guy. I have a lot of fun with their games.
That being said, Bethesda's attitude towards bugs, their general tendency to botch and cut corners, and the fact that I've now played 4 itterations of their games (Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and now Skyrim) where the same bugs and issues rear their ugly head with no indication of attempts being made to fix it; it has knocked my interest down several pegs. I doubt the next game will be a day one buy.
When Todd Howard made claims of a new engine, I failed to realise this was solely a new graphics engine. I had hoped that the solid foundations of a new engines would help eliminate the rampant quirkiness and awkwardness of their games. AI is too loose, and easily broken. They themselves seem to have trouble getting NPCs to do what they want 100% of the time.
As much as I love their game and the unique freedom I can't get out of any other game, I'm growing increasingly tired of the loose, easily broken system.