I heard it may be possible to use on incoming arrows but I haven't tested it myself to see how difficult it was.
PS: Works with certain type of buckets.
I used it once to level Alteration by throwing a Cheese Wheel through a window for an hr.
To level up my alteration.
And to steal items
Telekinesis should have been such an awesome spell, but the potential was wasted, IMO.
Interesting, will have to try this.
The only use I've found is silently stealing items from another room (with the silent casting perk).
The same could be said about Wall and Rune spells in my opinion. Heck, the Transmute spell, while useful, would have been much better if you could transmute and make other Ores. Wonder if there's a mod for that...
Of course, the wasted potential carries over to magic as a whole I think.
Well, you could become a vampire lord (otherwise and depending on who you ask, sell your mortal soul to become a power & blood hungry monster/abomination/blight on the face of Nirn/you name it) and toss people around to your heart's extent.
As for telekinesis itself, I haven't really used it much, besides the obvious grabbing of what you can't otherwise reach (unless you shoot it out of place). But I'd like to see if it has any effect on traps inside dungeons.
I tried to kill some one with an arrow using telekinesis, it failed horribly, not only did it not do any damage it angered a guard.
I once throwed a cabbage at Heimrks, but it didn't stop him talking.