My rig is a dual core 2.8 XP pro, with 3 gigs of ram, and ATI card is a 5670 ( XP only go 3, the board will go to 4 gigs )
Question is do I need the Optimizer ? And what are some good stable setting ? If I run them both?
There seems to be the same identical settings in MGE, Optimizer does have the True form for ATI , and I have an ATI card
The Setting drive me mad, so any suggestion on having optimizer and MGE working in harmony would be great, that is of course if I need optimizer.
My game runs fine most of the time, with 157 mods, Have has some Morrowind crashes, but hey it's old and so I save a lot. Think the crashes are more related to XP that Morrowind. Running GOTY. and have of course the latest updates , thanks to Planet Elder and all the hard working modellers like BTB, and the Morrowind Patch Team who keep it working and make this game great still. ( just thought I say thanks)
The Morrowind Expanded works well , never have gotten into rage mode yet , but trance have saved my behind a bit

Morrowind code patch 1.9 Not compatible with FPS Opt 2.0. so If I need FPS, by popular suggestion I'll get version FPS Opt 1.96 , was running 1.6 patch with FPS v 2, or a least I think it was running. but just missed that update, 157 mods I miss one!