Using console to Start a Mod

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:41 pm

Hey, I just switched from using Alternate Start - Arrive By Ship to StartChoices, and for whatever reason Stealth Overhaul doesn't initialize when I start it up. Anyhoo, I looked through the readme and the console commands that it mentions don't work under this context (I tried "startquest SneakPenalties" and "SneakPenaltiesSet" as well as "bat StealthOverhaul.ini". The console accepted them but did nothing.) Anyway, I looked at the functions listed on the CS Wiki, and couldn't find anything useful, and wanted to know if there was some kind of command along the lines of "initialize StealthOverhaul.esp" or something that would make it run as if I were starting the game. I suppose I could try disabling it, making a character, then reactivating it and see if that works, but I wanted to figure out if I could do it via console first. (well that didn't work; I started a character with out SO enabled, saved, re-enabled it, and started 'er up, and only two features worked. Even the console codes still did nothing.) Thanks for your time!

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