I've been using FCOM on a brand new installation and new character and I'm enjoying it so far. I have a rough idea of how I'm going to progress through the game. I'm playing a mainly mage character and I intend to do the mage guild and fighters guild quest lines as well as the MQ and the idea was that I'd reach the end points of all three around the same time. But I'd actually forgotten about Shivering Isles.... From what I understand, the content in SI isn't affected as much by FCOM as the main game is. So I'm wondering should I do all of the stuff I wanted to do in the main game first, and then start SI later (at probably level 30+), or do them side by side?
If SI is going to be a cakewalk at a higher level then I'd rather start on it earlier. I've been reading up on FCOM and the right level to do things but the responses seem vague at best other than where to go at the very beginning. I'm level 8 now, have done Kvatch and so that's not an issue.