Is there a way to use onhit to detect if an object is being attacked by fire or flames? The wiki s not clear on this part at all. Fireballs, fire bolts, flames spells should all be detected as fire in the script.
I appreciate any help.
What happens if you stick an onhit activator on the player and then walk him into a pool of burning oil?
You could use a spell effect to attach the event handler. Throw in some trace statements so you can see what gets reported, then off to bleak falls barrow and get careless with some oil flasks.
Can you look up the Spell you're hit with?
If so, you could try:
Keyword Property MagicDamageFire Auto If ( SpellID.HasKeyword(MagicDamageFire) == 1 )EndIf
You'd have to double check, but that should be what they use on all Fire-Damage sources.