Last night, I closed the first Oblivion gate. I got the subjacent sigil stone that came with it. I didn't realize you could just input them into armor, so I didn't do that until today. I then found another gate, which I went into and closed. I used the 2nd stone I got, then saved the game, and closed it. I came back a bit later, only to discover upon loading that both items I had used to the stones on had disappeared from my inventory. They were just gone completely. So, I reloaded to a prior save and went through the whole process again. I used the stones on the same pieces of armor, even gave them the same names, then saved again, and closed out. I came back again, to discover both pieces of gear were gone.
I don't want to keep having to reload back to the prior save and redoing everything I did already, and I would like to use the sigil stones I get (that first +50 feather one is pretty damn handy). I don't know why they keep evaporating, or how I can prevent that from happening.
I was going to play some before going to bed, but now I don't even have the heart

If anyone has any clues, please let me know. Thanks!
Btw, unrelated note, but I dig the black motif of these forums