Using the power of the dragon shout to fix bugs

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:39 am

Everything below this line, is absolutely true, and has no spoilers, and the npc was NOT stuck. Tried litterally everything to fix this by restarting my game, restarting my system I have no idea why this worked, but it was immaculate.

I was out questing one time, not having any problems in Skyrim whatsoever, when I realized my quest wasnt advancing. I was like NOOOO I was so close to not having any problems!!!!

The reason that my quest wasnt advancing was because an NPC wasnt doing something to trigger the next step in the quest to start. I got so angry, I shouted at her.

FUS!! FUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FUS RO DAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KABLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the NPC flew through the air, sporting the full package including ragdoll physics and everything. when she stopped being stunned, she stood up and said "Hey dont do that!!!!"

I thought she was going to attack me, because she took a hefty ammount of falling damage haha, after she stood up and said that, she just turned around, and ran to the next destination to trigger the next part in my quest.

I was like, yea..... thats right, you run to that destination..........

anyway, I thought this was pretty spectacular hahahaha
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:10 am

actually i find myself using the shouts to an extend where it is exploiting :D so many quests where you have to fight an boss i just catapult them off ledges or mountains, and killing them without even raising a sword
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Keeley Stevens
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