In the meantime, I've found some bugs with the companion following in the new MWSE patch. If you run across exterior cells and one of your companions falls behind, they teleport behind you (and sometimes don't stop teleporting until you hit the next cell). Also, they sometimes don't show up when you call them with the ring.
I've remedied this, and also made a few other changes. I've removed the limitation for Sara and Gavyn that won't allow them to teleport to you after sending them to their meeting places. The reason for this is they no longer turn inside-out if you call them back right away with the new MWSE scripting.
I have however, made it so you have to change cells before you can call them back, because otherwise they don't show up at all if you call them back right away. I think it's because their data is still loaded in the cell after their gone, and you have to change cells to clear this data.
I left Ash-Kosh as is, because I still want the player to have a reason to visit Asharakumuk, and I came up with a good reason for Ash-Kosh not to be able to be summoned back. Also, because Ash-Kosh has no limitation when it comes to teleportation bans, I figured this limitation would be a bit balancing.
I also received a bug report regarding their follow dialogue variable not being set back to 0, and NPCs thinking the companions are in tow when they aren't. I've fixed this as well. I solved most of these problems by making the follow scripts persistent, so they don't stop when the companion stops following, they just hang in a return state until the follow variables are set again.
I'm still testing this rigorously (which I didn't quite test as rigorously before), and won't be releasing the new MWSE patch until it's fully tested.
Edit: as for the npc schedules, since I'm planning on merging this with the main mod, should I add a way to disable schedules using a global variable for people who do not want them?