I've tried contacting the author about this mod but it seems like she's taken a break from modding. I hope she comes back to it soon! The great majority of the mod is awesome and the characters are really well-developedl I've noticed the following bugs:
1) Pop-Up error whenever you ask Ash-Kosh to change into male form; his disposition resets also
2) Ash-Kosh's teleporting script has bugged out on me several times (I get her silouette to appear but not any of the textures of her character after a teleportation) and I've had to reload. Also, there are times when I teleport to her home to retrieve her, and she's nowhere to be find, forcing me to summon her within her own home, which is kind of silly.
3) Gavyn won't learn a "Dispel" spell (he won't recognize whatever I've cast; I've tried cast on other and cast on self)
4) Dialogue loop if Gavyn is already a vampire when you talk to him after becoming one (I've made a fix for this myself)
5) Display cases won't close (someone in the community helped me find a fix for this)
6) Sara won't build her Azura shrine (someone in the community helped me find a fix for this)
7) the tome of Enchanting only works once. After that, it's state never resets and so it won't activate anymore. I tried to make a fix for this myself but the script uses too much math

The spellmaking tome works properly though
8) The morag tong assassination would never complete; had to activate completion manually with console to make the ring appear
9) I had to activate the naked prisoner quest manually with the console. Don't know if this happened because I was already Nerevarine when I built stage 4 (vault & throne room)
10) After subduing the escaping slaves and returning them to the slave pen, the flee script won't ever go away.
11) After killing Baladas Uvirith and talking Ash-Kosh into rejoining me, whenever I enter Uvirith's tome, she's hostile whenever I see her (no matter if she was following me at the time or not)
12) After talking her into rejoining me, whenever I spar with her she no longer "regenerate" but just stay dead.
13) Whenever you complete a volume using the librarian's sorting function, on many subsequent occasions when I asked him to sort books, another "complete volume" was generated of every collection I had completed (i.e., I now have 15 copies of complete Dance of Fire and Complete Poison Song).
I've added mods to my game while using this mod, but I've always installed new mods using WryeMash, so I'm hoping none of these bugs was caused by something I did.