I understand where you're pointing me to the only thing is that I tried that whole process (using the return to the tower command) and the shrine still didn't activate

Boo...hopefully the author can provide some input on this.
Anyways, after I went through the process as outlined in the walkthrough and it still didn't work, I looked at the scripts to see exactly what's supposed to happen. Apparently the shrine (and the items around it) are supposed to "enable" themselves when all of the following are true.
--follow state is -1 (I assume this is done if you send her home using the command, which I did)
--Quest is completed (Journal Index = 150)
--PC has changed cells
I didn't find another timer or variable associated with this (though I did rest for a week after changing cells and sending Sara to the tower, just to be safe), so I'm assuming that nothing else is needed. Since I followed all the steps of the walkthrough, as you suggested, I'm thinking the script might be broken in some way. I clicked on Sara and typed "sv" to see if I could find out what the follow state was but the follow state variable is not listed there (guess its a local variable)
Ninja'd i though of that on the drive home...scripts on things need the things to be in the world to actually run the first time so it can be set to active which dropping and picking up does.... simple MW Glitch.... as for the Azura Shrine it's in the spoiler i posted and you said it your self in #89
i'll leave out the rest..