- The Synths have seen Casablanca. That should cover it.
At the memory den mission (story mode) I initially chose Piper (I know, I was listening to the wrong head) and sent Nick to Tenpines Bluff, as my Sanctuary option was greyed out. I only have the two original settlers at TB and after sending Nick it showed a population of 3. After changing my mind to take Nick with me to the memory den, I visited TB to grab him. But he's no longer there and it's now showing a population of 2.
I don't have many other settlements and he sure as hell isn't at any of them. So where is he?
It's been well over 24 in-game hours, and in hope it might kick his [censored] back into it, I've even done two of his detective side missions - from picking up his case-files in the office. But he's still awol. I'd like to take Nick instead of Piper, but I'm now not sure if the game wants to give me the option.
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world he won't walk in to mine.
Does anyone know where he is? Or has he f@cked off with Jessica Rabbit? Ellie will be heart broken