The two shots echo'd for what seemed like forever through the hollow tunnels...
"Why did you do that??" George whispered angrily..
It was too late, scratches and fast footsteps could be heard.
It seemed like there were only a few of them but they could be heard in every direction.
The group all tightened their grip on thier weapons, none of them were that confident with their ability.
Most of them had never even been in a fight before...
"People without armour get against the sides of the tunnel..." George knew they were the only ones with guns...
"We dont know if those Stimpacks can patch up the effect of Stray gunshots... Remember none of us have shot before..."
He looked to the police officer with his make shift railway spike gun, he had grabbed a few nails out of the tracks while they where walking, not all of them just incase innocent people tried to use the Metro line...
But he had enough...
He was the only one with experience with a gun, but nothing like the gun he was using.
OOC: They will be armed with tattered clothing and items that you would expect to find on a Metro Platform...
(Bins, Signs, Bits of trains... You get the idea)
Anyone can start the ball rolling. 
Not too many, we are just getting warmed up... Gotta let your charicters learn how to use their equipment...
I expect to see alot of missing and crap aim... For now.