So, yeah, I'm finally breaking down and giving the tree mods another go. I've always liked Vality's work, I just was never sure how I felt about the fact that the overall effects it had on the game's "feel". That's not really the point, though.
Anyways, it looks like the landscape edits in Vality's mods undo all of the fixes from Slartibartfast's Texture Fix. It seems that I can remove this conflict by deleting all of the landscape edits from Vality's mod, which doesn't affect the trees at all because those are contained in the cell edits. But given the before-and-after file size of Vality's mods, it looks like the bulk of the mod's data was contained in those landscape edits. this begs the question...
What in the hell do the landscape edits in Vality's mod actually do? I seriously can't tell.
Once I get a satisfactory answer, I'll prep my mod list for an update with Vality's mod, complete with the Texture Fix compatability
Among adding a whole bunch of trees there is a bit of alteration between other objects like plants, rocks and very minor terrain changes, and those are mostly the places where Vality7 added trees that originally weren't there, obviously, or trees where the original model was 2 times smaller in size (since bc_tree_01 and 05 and double sized).
As for texture fix, I don't know the nature of the fix, but if it's like a texture replacer for the tree it
should work on Vality's trees since he doesn't change the bark texture, but if it doesn't I'll assume its a mesh fix (or to say, UV fix). I wouldn't know tho so I can't tell, but I definitively suggest you to try out Vality7's trees, they are awesome
+if you don't like his textures there are tons of alpha channeled leaf textures out there today so you can replace his if you don't like 'em.