And before the lore-lovers mentally slaps me silly, I know:
1. There's no reference to Valkyries in any TES game (or at least nothing comes up running a search on UEWP wiki).
2. There's no concept art for Valkyries.
3. To the best of my knowledge, there's been no reference to Valkyries in any of the press releases. Thus, the question.
They could be a humanoid, like Golden Saints. Since Skyrim is a Nordic culture, they would fit into the TES lore and mythos. Also, Bethesda has introduced new factions and creatures in each new TES game, so it's not completely out of the question. Even if it was just a set of armor . . .
And I realize, if it's not in the game now, Bethesda isn't going to add it. But I'd be thrilled if Bethesda would make a powerful, female warrior role model that wasn't just eye candy for guys.
~ Dani ~