You have no knowledge of how they work, for example; snipers study human anatomy so they can place good shots... see what I'm saying? You don't know how it works, and its so damn big and powerful it would most likely just snap whatever blade you shoved up its gears. It would take a well-trained team of heavily armored warriors and mages to take it down.
As for the Falmer, in-game they may be tough, but I attribute them to Tolkien's goblins, large numbers and very cowardly. Or at least that's how I think they ought to be, not just pockets of super-tough, blind, Gollum's. Also, before the Falmer became how they are, ya they used all sorts of weapons from scimitars to broadsword, pikes and spears.
I really don't mean to be an ass, or rain on anyone's parade. Believe me, that's just not my aim, its just that these things are pretty much fact, and when people come out saying they can take on something like a Steam Centurion, they do need to be brought down to reality (I know its fantasy, but there's a reality to it).
EDIT: To Gavril, I think I'll just trot my merry ass into town and be overjoyed to see my old friend Nuramon.