Valton: The New Hold OOC and Sign-up thread

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:55 pm

Okay lets seriously cut the crap here. Scow, I don't care how powerful your Altmer may be, there's not a snow-balls' chance in hell it would survive, one-on-one, no help, with a Steam Centurion. They're about 15 ft tall with axe and hammer arms, each one able to shoot massive harpoons, and god-only-knows how many it can fire, the Dwemer built them after all and so far not even the greatest minds have figured out how ANY of the Dwemer constructs work. So if you think, "Oh, I can just disable/lock it up." You're very wrong.

You have no knowledge of how they work, for example; snipers study human anatomy so they can place good shots... see what I'm saying? You don't know how it works, and its so damn big and powerful it would most likely just snap whatever blade you shoved up its gears. It would take a well-trained team of heavily armored warriors and mages to take it down.

As for the Falmer, in-game they may be tough, but I attribute them to Tolkien's goblins, large numbers and very cowardly. Or at least that's how I think they ought to be, not just pockets of super-tough, blind, Gollum's. Also, before the Falmer became how they are, ya they used all sorts of weapons from scimitars to broadsword, pikes and spears.

I really don't mean to be an ass, or rain on anyone's parade. Believe me, that's just not my aim, its just that these things are pretty much fact, and when people come out saying they can take on something like a Steam Centurion, they do need to be brought down to reality (I know its fantasy, but there's a reality to it).

EDIT: To Gavril, I think I'll just trot my merry ass into town and be overjoyed to see my old friend Nuramon.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:08 am

I think the mine we've found could be called Shimmermist Mine. :tongue:

@Jonasvault101, the falmer literally hate anyone who enters their place. They want to destroy every single one of the above-world, so I don't think they'll be very cowardly. Quite the opposite, foolishly berserky.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:16 am

Shimmermist Mine, I love it! Awesome name.
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The Time Car
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:45 pm

This Mine idea reminds me of Torchlight and I love Torchlight. Shimmermist also sounds like a really cool, mysterious name for it. Still have no idea what to do with my grumpy old man though.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:48 am

Okay lets seriously cut the crap here. Scow, I don't care how powerful your Altmer may be, there's not a snow-balls' chance in hell it would survive, one-on-one, no help, with a Steam Centurion. They're about 15 ft tall with axe and hammer arms, each one able to shoot massive harpoons, and god-only-knows how many it can fire, the Dwemer built them after all and so far not even the greatest minds have figured out how ANY of the Dwemer constructs work. So if you think, "Oh, I can just disable/lock it up." You're very wrong.

You have no knowledge of how they work, for example; snipers study human anatomy so they can place good shots... see what I'm saying? You don't know how it works, and its so damn big and powerful it would most likely just snap whatever blade you shoved up its gears. It would take a well-trained team of heavily armored warriors and mages to take it down.

As for the Falmer, in-game they may be tough, but I attribute them to Tolkien's goblins, large numbers and very cowardly. Or at least that's how I think they ought to be, not just pockets of super-tough, blind, Gollum's. Also, before the Falmer became how they are, ya they used all sorts of weapons from scimitars to broadsword, pikes and spears.
Do Steam Centurions know how to open Dwemer doors? I think "Smashing through" would cause a conflict in programming, due to their "Protect Stronghold" role. They also aren't particularly fast.

By "Lock it down" I meant either trap it in a room, bring the roof down on it, or point it toward the nearest Falmer camp and let it run free. The way to handle the Falmer would involve re-routing magma or steam vents, or bringing down the roof on them. NOBODY can survive "Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies."

Also, the Spear of Bitter Mercy could do a lot of Damage to the Centurion if it came down to a straight-up fight. There's no known material that it's incapable of puncturing. On top of that, the Dwarven Centurions are not Immune to Shock, and the Spear of Bitter Mercy either shoots lightning or conjurs Storm Atronachs (Though Tsavani doesn't know how to activate that power in it, yet)

This Mine idea reminds me of Torchlight and I love Torchlight.
Have you considered joining my RP? It has the Diablo/Torchlight feel to it.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:57 am

If a Jarl post can go up soon, that'd be great thanks. I'd quite like for Varlamo to get a few things done before the evening.

On the Shimmermist Mine-Falmer/Dwemer business, I honestly was planning a plot line involving an expedition into a Dwemer ruin, AND Falmer, with my Thalmor character (Falmer and Thalmor sound far too similar). So this fits rather nicely, we'll see how things go however.

And @ Scow2, you've already said your character had little skill with the spear, she's OP as it is, so I really wouldn't stretch it.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:48 pm

I do enjoy the mine idea with the Falmer camp/Dwemer ruin. Who would have known such a simple little idea to fit in with my simple little nord would have created such a grand idea. I'm all the way for it. Perhaps just have some frostbite spiders at the upper levels, with mainly iron and orcachlucim. However, have about one ebony vein at the bottom, and while mining that, have the wall collapse into a Dwemer ruin? I also had a idea that after all of the falmer were cleared out, Nelsh would take some Charus eggs. Of course, he's not keeping them for alchemy.....

Also, Jaqen mentioned he needs a courier. I just so happen to have a charcter to fit that bill. An imperial named Laneus Tunus. Also, he could so some work for the Crimson sons, not all of which is legal.....(cough Skooma traficking cough)
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:28 pm

orcachlucim? I have never heard of that :P maybe you meant orichalalacum ? or was it oriliacum? No, no it' orichalcum. Yes, that's the one. :P haha. :) don't be mad :)
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:43 pm

I think the term you are searching for is Oricalifragilisticexpialidocious (even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious).

On a more serious note (well, not much more serious to be honest), I do hope at least someone picks up on the theme in my witch's shopping list.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:02 pm

Haha it was the two nirnroots and deathbell that gave it away for me :P
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:50 am

Well, let's jsut say that I wouldn't buy a tisane for good sleep, unless I one equate 'good' with 'very, very long'. Up to 'permanent'.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:15 pm

Here is the Character Sheet for my new character 'Allard Maine', almost the complete opposite of our resident Justicar.


Name: Allard Maine

Age: 120, appears in early 20s

Race: Altmer

Gender: Male

Height: 6’4

Birthsign: The Lord

Appearance: Tall even for an Altmer, although not as tall as some, Allard can be described as quite a striking looking mer, his skin is more tanned than most Altmer’s, which he says is due to how close he is with his Ayleid roots. His eyes are deep orange and are reminiscent of a cats. From his training he possesses a lean, muscular, athletic build and is extremely flexible. His hair auburn hair is cut quite short and scruffy, doing nothing to hide his long pointed brown ears.

Class: Warrior


Swordsmanship: After being trained by various tutors his skill with a blade has been honed to a tee.

Destruction: The magic of destruction is one which all Altmer are taught from a young age and as a result Allard knows some of the spells from the school, however he loathes the use of magic as a weapon and very rarely uses it.

Restoration: After studying under the Thalmor and escaping from that life, Allard turned to the one school of magic he most respected Restoration. As he began to help the resistance in Hammerfell, he found himself being used more and more as a healer rather than a warrior, a job he didn’t mind.

Poetry: Though one of his lesser skills Allard considers himself a poet and will often recite some sonnet or poem if asked.

Clothing/Armor: Normally Allard would wear a long chain mail coat, iron greaves and boots and gauntlets He also has a riveted mail hood which he pulls over when he fights.

Weapons: He carries with him a long one and a half hand sword, which he wields with a surprising amount of grace and finesse. Under his armour he also has a short dagger strapped to the underside of his thigh.

Miscellaneous Items: Carries very little money and nothing but the smallest amount of food.

Personality: Allard is driven by a burning hatred for the Thalmor, the very people who reared him. As much as he wishes to shake off their effect on him, he sometimes can’t help but fall into the familiar arrogance that the Altmer are renown for. The hatred for the Thalmor causes him to do thinks just to spite them, like take up Talos worship, something he had no thought of doing before they banned it. He tries his best to help people and be calm but having fought so often, he finds himself beset with fits of rage.

Major Flaw: An extremely short temper.

Background: Allard was born and raised in the Summerset Isles under the Aldmeri Dominion, he came from a very poor family, something which would have caused him great strife if not for his great ability with magic being picked up on by a passing official. It was then that he was given a superb education and spent many of his early years obsessed with the doctrine that the Altmer teach. He adored magicka but his passion truly lay for sword work, a practice which was often looked down upon by his tutors for not being fitting of an Altmer. He cared very little for politics or anything of the sort and only worked to please his master for the time being at least.

His education ended just years before The Great War between the Mede empire and the Aldmeri Dominion, it was there that Allard began to slowly become troubled by the actions of his people. He was just a soldier, a soldier who ransacked, murdered and pillaged. A soldier who could survive. Allard slaughtered countless innocents along with the enemy and could not forgive himself of that. The fact that he managed to stay alive please his superiors and brought him into their gaze. After the war had ended and the insatiable bloodlust that Allard felt began his superiors saw to it that he was offered the rank of a Justicar. Something he refused.

His refusal of the post was the first step, The Thalmor did not appreciate such an action and when Allard returned to his family, who he had not seen in many years, he discovered that they had all been murdered. There agents of the Thalmor were waiting to kill him, he fought wildly and managed to killed many of them before he escaped and managed to get a ship back to mainland Tamriel. There he travelled for many months through the wilds of Elswyr and through Cyrodiil until finally he reached Hammerfell, the home of the resistance.

It took him a long time to persuade the Yokudan warriors to accept him into their ranks and whenever any fighting started he was not permitted to fight but instead healed any of the sick and injured. Allard appreciated the position, it was one of the few times in his life he had managed to escape the bitter force that compelled him to kill so often. Upon hearing of the Stormcloak uprising many Yokudan agents were employed to go out into Skyrim and nudge things into the Stormcloak side. Allard was lucky enough to be permitted to travel there with a unit of men, upon crossing the border however the group was first set upon by bandits and then later Thalmor Justicars who named them ‘heretics’. Allard and one other, Rescal, survived the attacks and moved forward intending to head up to Winterhold…

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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:24 am

I do enjoy the mine idea with the Falmer camp/Dwemer ruin. Who would have known such a simple little idea to fit in with my simple little nord would have created such a grand idea. I'm all the way for it. Perhaps just have some frostbite spiders at the upper levels, with mainly iron and orcachlucim. However, have about one ebony vein at the bottom, and while mining that, have the wall collapse into a Dwemer ruin? I also had a idea that after all of the falmer were cleared out, Nelsh would take some Charus eggs. Of course, he's not keeping them for alchemy.....

Also, Jaqen mentioned he needs a courier. I just so happen to have a charcter to fit that bill. An imperial named Laneus Tunus. Also, he could so some work for the Crimson sons, not all of which is legal.....(cough Skooma traficking cough)

Probably just going to grab another NPC to be honest. I wanna get this out of the way.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:35 pm

Probably just going to grab another NPC to be honest. I wanna get this out of the way.

Are you sure? I would be happy to write out my courier's charcter sheet. It's fine, really
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:23 pm

Alrighty Erasmos, your character is accepted. Out of interest, are you abandoning the Old Alchemist, or will we see more of him?
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:52 pm

yeah I'm sure. This way I can get it done in one post, rather than spend 2-3 doing it.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:12 pm

Won't be abandoning old Burne, he just doesn't have much to do. I'll make a post soon.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:14 am

Erasmos, err, interesting character choice. :tongue:

My character is going to have so so much trouble. By Auri-El, this is going to be difficult... I don't see our characters going too long without a fight.

All I want to do is post. :(
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:30 pm

Erasmos, err, interesting character choice. :tongue:

My character is going to have so so much trouble. By Auri-El, this is going to be difficult... I don't see our characters going too long without a fight.

All I want to do is post. :(

Of course, you might have to deal with a Nord trying to rebuild speaking terms with you along the way....
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Marquis T
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:14 pm

Sorry about the length of my post.. I got slightly carried away.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:41 pm

Haha, wow, don't apologise mate that was a great read, genuinely gripping, already one of the RP highlights I'd say :wink:. The oversized font was a bit much, though. If it wasn't intentional, there is an eraser-shaped tool in the top left of the reply options that removes all formatting and takes text back to the default (I'm always having to use this).
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:54 pm

it was cool :)
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:33 pm

Nice read!

"it'd be a small quiet town unlikely to attract the attention of the Thalmor or so he hoped." Lol. I'm thinking perhaps my character may recognise yours. Killing a group of Thalmor in the Summerset Isles itself, with such obvious Tan-coloured Ayleid skin is going to known, especially by officials. Although, don't expect open aggression, of course.

It seems my character has been trapped in a Jarl-less encounter for the time being however.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:14 pm

I'd play the Jarl to free you up, but I don't think Lizard Wizard would appreciate that.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:36 pm

Nice read!

"it'd be a small quiet town unlikely to attract the attention of the Thalmor or so he hoped." Lol. I'm thinking perhaps my character may recognise yours. Killing a group of Thalmor in the Summerset Isles itself, with such obvious Tan-coloured Ayleid skin is going to known, especially by officials. Although, don't expect open aggression, of course.

It seems my character has been trapped in a Jarl-less encounter for the time being however.

I thought it'd be quite ironic, and yeah it's likely that your character would know him, a known enemy of the Thalmor and a betrayer to his own race. As to your Jarl problem maybe Vincent could take control of the Jarl as he's Co-Gm just to free you, if Lizard Wizard doesn't post him soon?
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