Valton: The New Hold OOC and Sign-up thread

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:24 pm

I've been accepted! Woots
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:02 pm

Also, with the CK coming out very soon, I was wondering if there was any plans on creating the town ingame? So we can get a better idea of the layout/whatnot.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:50 pm

I was working on a map. Unfortunately with being busy lately it never got finished. Hopefully I'll finish it by tomorrow night, but an in game map via the CK would be pretty sweet if some one was skilled enough to make it.
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James Smart
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:10 am

Once we have a map (and a CK) I'll be all over making an in-game Valton. Won't be able to help myself!
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:23 pm

So, my new half elf character is finally finished.

Name: Raest Kivaan
Age: 25
Race: Half Nord and half Bosmer, werewolf
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11”
Birthsign: The Shadow
Appearance: He is a light tan, and mostly resembles an average Nord in his facial features, and in that he has a strong build with wide shoulders. His eyes and ears are distinctly Bosmer though, with almost completely black eyes, and pointed, elven ears. His hair is pure white and hangs down to his shoulders, but his eyebrows are black, as is his stubble. He has tattoos all over his right arm that resemble tiger stripes, and he paints his finger nails black. When in his werewolf form his fur is pure white with black claws, and his eyes are still black.
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Spellsword / Scout
Skills and known spells (if any): He is skilled with spears, swords, and shields. He is also skilled in acrobatics, athletics and is incredibly stealthy. He has a small amount of training in destruction and alteration. He knows the spells flames, frostbite, sparks, magelight and telekinesis.
Clothing / armor: He wears leather armor, faded blue pants with a thick brown leather belt, steel plate boots, fingerless black leather gloves, a steel bracelet on his left wrist, and a steel helmet.
Weapons: He has a steel tipped boar spear, a dwarven sword which is sheathed across his back, and a steel shield with a single conical spike protruding from it so he can stab an enemy by bashing them with his shield.
Miscellaneous items: A flute that he doesn’t know how to play.
Personality: He likes to talk, and will do so whenever given the chance, though he refuses to talk about his past however, and becomes very bitter and sad if it’s brought up in conversation. He is kind, helpful, generous and tolerant of all races, though he is also rather secretive. He tends to dislike what others would see as luxury, and even prefers to sleep outside near a campfire than on a warm bed in a house. He has a natural affinity for wandering the wilderness due to the Bosmer in him.
Major flaw: When he’s alone he has a tendency to talk to himself, so other people might think him to be insane if they overhear him. He is half Bosmer and half Nord, and isn’t fully accepted by either race, so he is forced to cover the features that mark him as elven in order to fit in with the Nords. He also suffers from lycanthropy, and has to hide this fact. On occasion his more bestial side may show through even when in his humanoid form, in that he may growl when angered, or roar in battle.
Background: His mother was a Bosmer and his father was a Nord, though his father left before he was born. Such unions are both rare, and frowned upon, and so when Raest was growing up in Valenwood, his mother kept his half elf nature a secret from everyone, including young Raest. Fortunately when he was young he resembled the other Bosmer, and he lived a normal life for a while, but as he got older he quickly outstripped the other children in height and strength. When his facial features began to become obviously more Nordic than Bosmer, it was clear to everyone what he was, and so he was shunned.

His mother died when he was fifteen, and so with no connection left to the Bosmer tribe he had grown up with, he left to travel across Tamriel to find some where he would fit in. During his travels he entered the province of Cyrodiil, and when in the Colovian Highlands he encountered a werewolf in the wilderness. He managed to fend it off, but the beast managed to bite him before fleeing, and he was infected. He tried to make his way back to civilization to get a cure disease potion, but he didn’t get very far before passing out from the intense pain and blood loss.

When he awoke he was a beast, cloaked in white fur and twice his normal size. He wasn’t in control of himself, but he was far enough away from civilization so that it didn’t matter. After an hour or so he returned to his normal self, though he began thinking of ways to train to control himself while in werewolf form. For years he remained in the Highlands until he had a semblance of control over his wolf self, before finally heading north to Skyrim. When he heard of the new hold in the Rift he headed there, hoping he could fit in with the local Nords if he covered his elven features.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:32 pm


As much as I'd hate to criticize the GM... Don't you have your hands full enough with the Jarl and his son? We already have a resident Blessed by Hircine that's come down to civilization after years of isolation in the mountains. There's another RP on these boards that he'd fit into much better than a City-building RP.

And isn't he a bit tall for a Male Bosmer? (I really hate how Skyrim decided they had to be Tall to be awesome)
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:00 pm

EDIT: Deleted petition to save people's eyes from the burning wall of text. I can post it again if needed by someone, though.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:24 pm

Good to see you posting Arc
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:38 pm

First of all, what does your character being blessed by Hircine have to do with this new character? It's not like Raest is blessed, he simply has lycanthropy. Yes lycanthropy is 'Hircine's gift', but it's not direct intervention, and there are plenty of wild were creatures in Tamriel. It's not special in the same way that Tsavani's encounter was, Raest simply became a werewolf. If you're pointing out that he's a little different than other werewolves (and therefore 'special'), I simply made him white because it's his hair color. And being isolated in the wilderness is not a major similarity, especially since my character was purposely isolated during this time to train himself. So it was really just a really long solo training session.

Also, he's tall because he's half Nord, and as I stated in his description, he appears more similar to Nords than Bosmer, so he has a Nord's height. It was one of the features that made it clear that he wasn't like the Bosmer he grew up with. And my hands weren't full with those two characters so much as I was suddenly really busy in real life, because, you know, real life is kind of hectic.

@Arcturis- You call him an Imperial in his race, but you call him a Breton in appearance. Which is he?
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:59 pm

Liz Wiz, if you like me to handle the Jarl, I'd be happy to. He is really quite fun to write for, and considering he is so damn melancholic not that demanding. Also frees up some awesome father-son scenes!
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:33 am

Oops, sorry about that typo. He is officially an Imperial.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:25 pm

It'd probably be for the best, as if I write anything for him it will surely pale in comparison to the way you've been writing him. I wish you'd write a book or something.

Anyway, I'll have up a post for my new character in a few moments. I'm not planning on bringing Lliro back out until we reach the next day in the RP though.

@Arc: Accepted.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:43 pm


Ooh, a new mage! If Bayard studied at the College of Winterhold, he would no doubt have met the College's weirdest yet MILFiest Illusions Professor, Fiona Barrow-Heart. Though if he didn't show any particular aptitude for Illusion, they may not have had the strongest relationship :tongue:. Out of interest, what sort of role do you see your character taking on here in Valton? Will he get a job about town, or just operate as an Adventurer? Most of this RP seems just to be business in and about the town (so far).

@Lizard Wizard

Ah shucks man, thanks. Feel free to requisition him back any time you like, this is your RP after all. I guess that makes my character three: Fiona Barrow-Heart, Jarl Spurvhauke, and Hrefn the Raven. I promise we'll be seeing more of Hrefn later :wink:.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:17 pm

@Vincent McCool

I was actually planning on having him being a sort of mercenary type. After almost a year and a half of solo-exploring, he simply needs something to do, and thinks Valton seems like a good location for new problems. Not to mention earning some gold in the process :3
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:07 am

First of all, what does your character being blessed by Hircine have to do with this new character? It's not like Raest is blessed, he simply has lycanthropy. Yes lycanthropy is 'Hircine's gift', but it's not direct intervention, and there are plenty of wild were creatures in Tamriel. It's not special in the same way that Tsavani's encounter was, Raest simply became a werewolf. If you're pointing out that he's a little different than other werewolves (and therefore 'special'), I simply made him white because it's his hair color. And being isolated in the wilderness is not a major similarity, especially since my character was purposely isolated during this time to train himself. So it was really just a really long solo training session.
My big complaint about him isn't so much about the circumstances why he is who he is, but a concern of role overlap. Of course, seeing that you've managed to dump almost all authority in handling the RP onto McCloud, it may not be the problem I think it will be.

Also... if Varlarmo weren't fundamentally evil, I'd be able to appreciate him. A shame he's a psychopath instead of a genuinely enthusiastic and somewhat sympathetic Thalmor Justicar who believes that he really is doing the right thing. Tsavani might try to go out of her way and attempt to befriend him anyway.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:59 pm

Oh god how did I become Starfox? Not everyone is a furry, Scow2 :wink:.

Seriously though I'm just helping out while Lizard Wizard is busy. I've got a hell of a lot of spare time right now so it makes things kind of easy, now LW is more free I'm sure you'll be seeing much more of him.

Valarmo is a tricky one though isn't he? I kinda hoped him and Fiona could be friends, but gentle teasing sends the guy on a mad rampage. Psychopath is the word. That said It's pretty funny how totally unloved he is. Has an air of universality to it, and makes him kind of lovable.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:43 am

Of course, seeing that you've managed to dump almost all authority in handling the RP onto McCloud, it may not be the problem I think it will be.
I'll admit that my making him Co-GM was a bit unceremonious, but with how quickly the RP grew (we gained an amazing amount of people in a matter of days, which is good RP-wise, but difficult management-wise) it quickly became clear that I couldn't do this on my own with everyone posting at different times, and I'll fully admit that. And yes he's stepped up pretty quickly during the period where I didn't have the time to get on the forums (which I appreciate a lot by the way) but life gets in the way and it's been rather hectic and busy for me lately.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:09 pm

Oh god how did I become Starfox? Not everyone is a furry, Scow2 :wink:.

Seriously though I'm just helping out while Lizard Wizard is busy. I've got a hell of a lot of spare time right now so it makes things kind of easy, now LW is more free I'm sure you'll be seeing much more of him.

Valarmo is a tricky one though isn't he? I kinda hoped him and Fiona could be friends, but gentle teasing sends the guy on a mad rampage. Psychopath is the word. That said It's pretty funny how totally unloved he is. Has an air of universality to it, and makes him kind of lovable.

Man, I wish I could add in a Thalmor charcter of mine. If any of you have read my Rp thread*, "An Old Elf", heis name has been dropped a couple of times. Basically a crazy Talos hunter, who treats everything like a game. Of course, still need to have him in person for that RP. But one crazy Thalmor mage is enough.

I don't think Alanin and Valramo would be that good of friends though :biggrin:
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:40 am

I put the bottom of my post in bold so the barkeep/whatever can see that Raryn just ordered.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:50 am

We aren't yet at evening.. right? :confused:
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:19 pm

If I've jumped the gun, I appologise. I'll edit my post and repost it when it does become evening.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:04 pm

Actually... I think it is evening now, since that's the time Lizard Wizard posted.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:17 pm

Actually... I think it is evening now, since that's the time Lizard Wizard posted.
There was at least three guys who still wanted to have a short chat with the smith before the evening. I guess there's not reason why it couldn't wait for the evening though.

@Uglius MaximusII: I wasn't specifically poitn9ing out the strange arrival of the evening on your post, but those before you. Go ahead and post is back, it's officially evening even if it means my orc and undead fiends guard have been looking at eachother in silence for quite a few hours. hehe.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:45 pm

There was at least three guys who still wanted to have a short chat with the smith before the evening. I guess there's not reason why it couldn't wait for the evening though.

@Uglius MaximusII: I wasn't specifically poitn9ing out the strange arrival of the evening on your post, but those before you. Go ahead and post is back, it's officially evening even if it means my orc and undead fiends guard have been looking at eachother in silence for quite a few hours. hehe.
Or, you could post "Midday" to finish up that conversation followed by an evening post... Then again, if this really is Skyrim, the... do we have a mysterious "Dragonborn" lurking about and abusing the "Wait" command? :P
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:06 pm

I think quite a lot of RPers are relying on it moving on past the setting sun pretty soon, so it might be best for the bulk of those conversations to happen past the time-skip, lest they get eaten by Alduin. You guys can skip the interior of the inn on to evening now if you like. I'm thinking a skip of several hours, the sun as set (or is in the process of setting). I wonder if the 'keep has managed to find any more booze? If not his homebrew is going to sell out pretty quick (and people are going to get very, very drunk..) :ohmy:
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