Well hopes that fills any requirements for my post. I was looking to get most of the points of the story connected and a new plot point made.
These new findings could hope to draw parallels with the earlier mentioned attack of an illusion based vampire upon the roadside.
Leading to the idea of a holding out group of vampires lairing somewhere near Valton. With Fiona as their prisoner, for reasons not yet known.
Hopefully the Jarl could muster a group of locals to attack this 'semi-daedric, illusion based volkihar clan'- after all, his guard is quite depleted.
And I can't help but think a few argonians, a daedra hunter, a werewolf, as well as some mercenaries could do well against these creatures.
The disease resistance will come in handy, as well as the knowledge and brunt of force. But such an event would need planning, coordination.
Kinda like the clearing of the mines. You'd have a few weak members to be protected, some otherwise leading the attack against them.
I'll let Vincent, PFA or Gorbad work out the details. But right now, it looks like a good plan. What do others think?
It may not be a clan at all... We cannot know what it is

(only Vincent truly knows the 100% details. I know some, but not everything.)
So a preparation to counter "anything", in a worst-case scenario a group of vampires, would be the way to go, if an expedition is to be made... But an expedition to -where-? Did the details in fiona's tower reveal a location? (as far as I can read what has happened, no it didn't...)
just wondering, I've already posted Itan-Ru's cure, but just in case I need to cure a disease later in a different method are we doing the whole "Prayer can cure all ailments thing"?
Prayer? You mean the silly shrine-thing found in the game of Skyrim? That's absolutely horrible IMO

Only if a character is truly religious and truly to -that specific divine- should he be cured from a prayer. Otherwise the divine might just grant a pain-easing blessing or something. I don't like the idea of curing vampirism through a prayer at a shrine, or curing rock-joint, or curing swollen feet