Valton: The New Hold, OOC & Sign-Up Thread IX

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:32 pm

PM sounds like a little too much work and yes before you say, we are all lazy slobs! don't deny it.
How about just we post the description here in a spoiler box then you can go off and do your editing, hm?

Oh by the way, Gorbad. Would you mind making your steward a redguard?
Valton looks to be of a loss of a redguard populace (other than the newcomer, of course).
And I can't help but think a male redguard steward would be an interesting prospect for a character design.
Well well, look who's wielding the stick of disapproval like Frodo wields the one ring, mm? :biggrin:
The reason I don't want them hidden in this thread is that it makes for a helluva work to find them all. 7 pages of text, and only 3 descriptions hidden somewhere within. It's much faster for me if you PM, and it's hardly any more trouble for you (unless you have a full message box, in that case you should write it here inside a spoiler tag with a huge yellow title or something.

And yeah, easy to make him a redguard. A redguard with a breton father. Not much would change, only his first name and of course mother's race.
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Kaley X
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:09 pm

Edit#666: I think Disturbing's character should stay inside Nuramon's house until the next morning. Asap's character had a much less serious wound and has been quite a long time there, completely knocked out at that.

Yeah, I figured. I wasn't thinking Theseus was going to wake up that quickly. Hde was meant to sleep through the whole evening and all. But I tried to fix it by saying Nuramon probably gave Asap's character a bit to much sleeping potion. :P
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:53 pm

PFA? oh you mean the mod thread's photos? I never use those for reference. It kinda restricts the creativity to in-game definitions.
Which brings onto another point- we should have a locale guide (a spoiler in the OP that describes the different exteriors and interiors).
That way people can just go to the OP and look up a building's layout to use for their character's perception. What do you think?

As well- Jormaw didn't take the full brunt of the spell. He had casted a absorption spell and was also of the Atronach sign.
The only damage would of been extremely minimum. This I tryed to imply in the post, but it seems people might of overlooked a few details.
However, I'll edit the clannfear in for you, if you wish. But know that I only added the daedroth in to make the scene a little bit more tense.

Lastly the stick of disapproval is only Gorbad's tool. Someone else using it is like Frodo using the One Ring, yeah it might work a little but not at it's best. :thumbsup:

D'oh, I was still in lore-speech mode, where daedroth is the singular of daedra. That said, Clannfear are still pretty nasty, especially if we ignore their portrayal in Oblivion (as one should for all things). Daedroth and Clannfear really make no odds while we are in RP-land.

Psst, I have an exclusive semi-spoilierish picture of our Court-Mage circa last night, if anyone is interested. Will post in here if so ;).
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An Lor
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:53 pm

Oooh, Spoilers!

Do share, do share.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:23 pm

Well, if it's exclusive then I want it! :D
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:42 pm

Please share your secret information, good Sir :D
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:26 pm

I forget the agreed price for the arrows, but they require money is in the purse left with Alguidar.
Now hurry up and do my bidding, Smig!
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:59 am

I forget the agreed price for the arrows, but they require money is in the purse left with Alguidar.
Now hurry up and do my bidding, Smig!
I can't remember the prize either. It was probably 45 gold.
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Sunny Under
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:53 pm

Edit#666: I think Disturbing's character should stay inside Nuramon's house until the next morning. Asap's character had a much less serious wound and has been quite a long time there, completely knocked out at that.

Yeah. I don't know if any of you have ever been stabbed with anything before, but, having stabbed myself by accident with everything from nails to knives, punctures and deep cuts take a LONG time to heal, and they hurt rather bad.

The alchemical ingredients used by Nuramon would aid in the healing process the same way putting antibiotic gel on a cut would. Probably more so than antibiotic gel since it's alchemy. However even then it's not an instant heal. I would guess that any potion or substance that would instantly heal a wound back to even 75% would be outrageously expensive and/or rare.

Roland, even with alchemical treatment, is going to be out of action for at least a few days, maybe even a week. He'll probably have his arm in a sling for a day or two as well.

I've had my foot get cut open with a shard of glass before (about one and a half inches long and down to the bone). Wasn't too terribly bad since it missed all the ligaments and tendons. A few stitches, crutches, and an ACE bandage and I was out of the ER, but it put me on the couch for about 3 weeks. I'd imagine being poked full of holes by arrows and daggers would put someone out for a least a few days with magical and alchemical aid. After all, most of the time an arrow or blade to the torso is a kill shot.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:55 am

yeah, well you can't roleplay someone who sleeps for two or three days In Game because it would take, well, two or three weeks Real Time. :P

But I actually figured Roland would be the first to wake up and even then Nuramon would probably advise him to stay at his house (on the couch) for at least a few more days. There will be no more room for Thesius that way but he can be moved to the argonian's chapel/house when he is stronger, to regain strength and properly heal there.

but I know what you're saying asap and gorbad. But it's not up to me to decide when rp'ers decide when they wake up their characters. I can always redrug them :P
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:57 am

But I actually figured Roland would be the first to wake up and even then Nuramon would probably advise him to stay at his house (on the couch) for at least a few more days. There will be no more room for Thesius that way but he can be moved to the argonian's chapel/house when he is stronger, to regain strength and properly heal there.

Fine with me, as soon as his business with the Jarl is over with :P
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:27 pm

yeah, well you can't roleplay someone who sleeps for two or three days In Game because it would take, well, two or three weeks Real Time. :tongue:

But I actually figured Roland would be the first to wake up and even then Nuramon would probably advise him to stay at his house (on the couch) for at least a few more days. There will be no more room for Thesius that way but he can be moved to the argonian's chapel/house when he is stronger, to regain strength and properly heal there.

but I know what you're saying asap and gorbad. But it's not up to me to decide when rp'ers decide when they wake up their characters. I can always redrug them :tongue:

Roland will be able to limp around when he's awake. He just wont be able to do anything strenuous. I'll have him wake up soon. I've been rather busy lately so I haven't had a chance to post.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:51 am

I didn't mean him not to move around. I meant he would have to sleep on the couch, since Nuramon's only guestroom is being used by Sargon. (where is Jonas, anyway?)

and Glass Argonian, alrighty then. :)
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:27 am

Oof. Sometimes the internet here will stop working for days on end. Regardless, I'll try and get one more post up. :)

Anyway, here is that spoilerific pictures of our brave Court-Witch, circa last night, RP time.

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The Time Car
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:43 pm

Oh my, she doesn't seem amused by the current situation xD

Did you draw that? I think it looks great :D
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Laura Richards
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:13 pm

Would you be?

And thanks man, I did draw that indeed. Though I'm not much cop at drawing Argonians, I'll happily try and conjure up a rough sketch of anybody's character if they'd like. I don't really do much other than rough sketches -with colour.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:21 pm

How long is the afternoon "late" before it becomes evening?
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:28 pm

Quite often we only actually RP a few minutes worth of events for each time of day, it is just that even half an hour of RP can take days of real time. The move from "late afternoon" to evening can go whenever everyone is ready to move on past sunset, really. Leandra and her Scaly Retainer are off on adventure sometime during the afternoon, and the Jarl needs to finish his business. Got any particular reason for wanting evening?

Oh, and for future reference, there is no time of day as "late midday". Early Afternoon, or better yet: LUNCHTIME!!!
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Nick Swan
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:56 pm

Sorry I've been absent as of late. School had a nice stranglehold on me there for a bit.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:59 pm

Oh, and for future reference, there is no time of day as "late midday". Early Afternoon, or better yet: LUNCHTIME!!!

Where I live in england, it's actually quite casual for someone to say lunchtime, early afternoon, late midday, as a time of day:

Late midday | 12:40am - 1:00pm or 12:30am - 1:30pm (if you think lunch starts 11:30am and ends at 1:30pm, which some people do).

Early afternoon | 1:00pm - 3:30pm or 1:30pm - 4:00pm.

Lunchtime = noon = midday

It's pretty understandable, even though the grammar or definition might not be wholefully correct. So I wouldn't go all nazi about it.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:34 pm

I'm a merry old Englander myself (both of us should be in bed). Curiously, I've never heard "late midday" in all my years. Lunchtime or Early Afternoon are more correct. A customary google search provides 13,900 results for "Late Midday" and 28,100,000 for "Early Afternoon".

Sorry if I came off Nazi. Of course you can use "Late Midday" if it pleases you, my point only being that it isn't the standard way of phrasing that time of day, on top of being rather clumsy to read. Considering the first person to set the time of day in their header ends up being copied by the rest of the Rpers, we might as well go for the best phrasing. Something just a little off with everyone saying "Late Midday". It would be like heading each post with "Early Noon". It doesn't really work, does it? Intelligible but inelegant.

That in mind, I vote for Early Afternoon. Rolls off the tongue lovely, doesn't it? Lunchtime is a great word, but will make me hungry every time I read a noontime post.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:50 am

Oh, and for future reference, there is no time of day as "late midday". Early Afternoon, or better yet: LUNCHTIME!!!
The hobbits have times of a day for each of those, each assosiated with a meal. I respect their life-style. :P
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:19 am

And thanks man, I did draw that indeed. Though I'm not much cop at drawing Argonians, I'll happily try and conjure up a rough sketch of anybody's character if they'd like. I don't really do much other than rough sketches -with colour.
It's a very nice drawing (much better than anything I can conjure up, unless I'm asked to draw a bloated monstrosity of a man - those always turn out perfectly)! Reminds me of the one you did for Syllawen, though Fiona has an expression a lot like my cat after she's been attacked by my dog. If you feel like doing it, I'd very much love to see your take on Leandra.

Speaking of her, I'll get a post up for her sometime today. Holidays have a way of mysteriously being busier than normal days...
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:28 am

The hobbits have times of a day for each of those, each assosiated with a meal. I respect their life-style. :tongue:

Yeah! I respect their life-style aswell. :) I would actually like to try and live by it.

Oof. Sometimes the internet here will stop working for days on end. Regardless, I'll try and get one more post up. :smile:

Anyway, here is that spoilerific pictures of our brave Court-Witch, circa last night, RP time.


it's real cool, and much better than anything I can make :)
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:07 am

If it seems like Leandra dispatched of the clannfear a bit casually, do keep in mind she's a pro when it comes to Daedra and even in Morrowind, I seem to recall them being just a step up from scamps (if a bit tougher than the wimps from OB). So don't think she can Dwemer-fu away a Dremora Lord with ease or something.
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