What's life without many debates, gandalf the grey. I, the balrog of moria sure enjoy them!
Note the highlighted section. Why would you want three meat sellers in Valton if you say that? I honestly think it's better to work on what characters we have and bring depth to those, instead of splitting every single aspect of a towns economy into separate characters.
If you follow real-life logic, then the job a single character does would be minimal... For example, currently in Valton, if the smith wants to create a sword, the following happens: Nellis mines it, brings it to Gorbad, and Gorbad begins making it. He then most likely sells it to the general store and keeps the more unique things at his own forge. However, if you apply "the variety of life" too much, then the following would happen: Nellis mines the ore and sells it to an ore-provider. The ore-provider sells it to the refiner guy. The refiner guy sells it to the ingot-shop. The ingot shop sells it to the smith, who then creates the sword. He then sells it to the general store... Adding a refiner guy and an ore-provider, as well as ingot shop to the town adds "variety", but it's not good variety. In real-life, it could well work that way. But in Valton, it's tedious. In addition, the characters involved there would have very boring jobs... Why on earth would even want to RP a refiner of ore, who only refines ore...?
Common people buy their meat straight from the hunter if they know him, otherwise from the general store. There isn't a need for a butcher. Variety is fine, but a butcher is simply too small to be worth it.
Variety is the spice of life, Gorbad. I said what you highlighted in a different context than what you think.
I like the idea of a smelter and a mining community you just said. So yes, complexity is better than simplicity to me.
People are joining the RP, but you don't want them to become a mercenary nor do you want more basic jobs to be created.
It's almost like you are spilling arguments which are contradictory to your prior plans, not only does it make sense,
but I feel like you are letting your own judgement cloud a more sensible, neutral view to these basic ideas.
And actually, I've noticed something - I'm using your own argument against having a contracter in town in this debate.
Which is actually quite funny.

An alfiq khajiit thief... using telepathy to communicate? I'm not entirely sure if that is lore-friendly. They aren't supposed to be able to communicate. As for the Cathay-Raht, I think you could just stay with a normal khajiit there and say that he's muscular, instead of adding in complex sub-species.

Gorbad, I don't think that's fair. They're all khajiit at the end of the day, you shouldn't be dictating what subspecies they can be.
Because the games are pretty incorrect in coherence of such types already. It's a bad guideline to use.