Here are my sheets. Short and concise, just the way I like them!
Spoiler Name: Lokir
Age: 26
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Birthsign: The Steed
Appearance: He looks even younger then he is with a very unblemished, round and hairless face. Rather pale complexion. Large, light blue eyes. A short, flat nose. Wispy, wavy blond hair. A slight, wiry build.
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Merchant and Spy
Skills and known spells (if any): Decent with small blades and a crossbow. A decent enough merchant. Speedy and agile, very good at climbing and moving quickly and quietly. Can pick locks well and can set and disarm traps. An exceptional liar and public speaker as well.
Clothing / armor: Assortment of basic, middle class clothing. No armor.
Weapons: A short iron blade. A medium-weight wooden crossbow.
Miscellaneous items: Small coin with a symbol showing he's a Stormcloak, but only know to other rebels, or those very knowledgeable of Stormcloak espionage (I cannot stress that enough).
Personality: Quite serious about his role, he will not mess around when it comes down to getting work done. However, he can play many personalities depending on what his job requires, moving between sarcastic, drunk, angry, comedic and everything in between.
Major flaw: Despite his skills, he is still young and thus rash in some of his decisions.
Background: Grew up in a very anti-Empire family, so he naturally joined the Stormcloaks. He is only a mediocre soldier however, despite his decent skill with a blade, so he applied his talents to the rebellion to act as a spy. He has done two minor jobs so far, on in Whiterun and one in Solitude, both trying to weed out informers, and he has had success on both of them. Now he has been assigned to this new hold that has sprung up to see if any notable people are in the settlement, as well as to see if the Imperials plan on interfering in the city and to determine where the Jarl's loyalties lie, along with the general populace's.
Spoiler Name: Alessandra
Age: 23
Race: Nibenese (Imperial)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Birthsign: The Warrior
Appearance: Like her "husband" she looks very young, even for someone who is 23. She has a thin face, with short, straight black hair and narrow green eyes. She is fairly short, and also quite thin and wispy, definitely not an obvious physical threat.
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Merchant, Illusionist and Spy
Skills and known spells (if any): Enough skill with a blade to defend herself adequately but not much beyond that. Good at Illusion magicks, able to cast strong Charming spells, as well as blinding flashes of light, Invisibility, and Calm spells. Supplements this with decent skill in Destruction, mainly used to supplement her torturing skills. Also good at moving silently, and is quite acrobatic.
Clothing / armor: No armor. Assortment of basic middle-class clothing.
Weapons: A small iron blade.
Miscellaneous items: Small coin with a symbol showing she's a Stormcloak, but only know to other rebels, or those very knowledgeable of Stormcloak espionage (I cannot stress that enough).
Personality: By all accounts she is a charming young lady with a winning smile, bright eyes and an innocent, youthful outlook on life. Like her "husband" she can play any number of personalities, and is not afraid of confrontation with most people. In private however, she is quite sadistic and also very serious about her job. She is capable of torturing captives for information, and doesn't seem to have any problem with doing it.
Major flaw: Like her partner, she is very young and rash, and her lack of powerful offensive skills can mean trouble if she doesn't calm your mind with her strong Illusion magick.
Background: Although she was born in Cyrodiil, she has lived in Skyrim with her family for most of her life. This is generally due to her parents disliking the way the Empire was going, and this led to her entire family joining the Stormcloak rebellion when it began. Soldiering was out of the question for her, but she quickly and naturally found a position in espionage. This is her first major job in the field, though she has done a few basic tracking jobs on targets before, and has been used by several soldiers to "interrogate" Legion captives.
Both sheets look good, but just a general thought about the "charm" spell: In a "player vs player" situation, using a very strong charm spell is almost imbalanced. You can use them on other characters, but using it on a player would be on character controlling. If it's fine by the player you use it on, however, there's no problem. Just ask before using it on someone, mmkay?

What else can I say? Welcome to Valton Mr and Mrs Spy.

Thank you, good cop

On another note, I suspect no one will be posting now and when I get off work. It will be a boring morning.
I would've accepted a house-cat...

Athell:Ra-Tara-(Khajiit: Cathay-raht) Spoiler
Name: Ra-Tara
Age: 25
Race: Khajiit (Cathay-raht)
Gender: Male
Height: 6’10”
Birthsign: The Warrior
Appearance: Ra-Tara is a Cathay-raht and he has the characteristic coloration of his peers, orange-yellow fur with black spots all over. He is also typical for another reason, his size, there are few amongst the races of men who can look into his eyes or boast his innate strength. His eyes are yellow with black, almost snake-like, pupils.
Class: Merchant/Smuggler/Thief
-Speech: As the mouthpiece of the brothers Ra-Tara has learnt to use his voice almost as well as his claws
-Unarmed: Like most Khajiit Ra-Tara prefers to use his claws and teeth to fight and has learnt to use his strength and weight effectively when called upon to defend himself
-Light Armor: Ra-Tara prefers wearing light armor if he has to wear any at all as it avoids adding to his already impressive weight
Clothing / armor: When not on guild duty he wears a comfortable grey tunic made for his oversize, however when on a job he wears his, once again custom made, Thieves Guild Armor.
Weapons: His claws.
Miscellaneous items: Five lockpicks and a small roll of lock picking tools and a pouch of guild money to allow the brothers to set themselves up in Valton.
Personality: Gentle giant, loud but often not with his own words.
Major flaw: Unable to do anything fiddly or requiring a modicum of skill.
Background: See J’Shar’s history.
J'shar-(Khajiit: Alfiq) Spoiler
Name: J’shar (Often called ‘Little Tiger’)
Age: 26
Race: Khajiit (Alfiq)
Gender: Male
Height: 11” (28cm) from the ground to the top of his head.
Birthsign: The Tower
Appearance: J’shar is similar in build to an average housecat, like all of his sub-species. However his appearance is slightly different, he has bands of orange and black all along his body, it is this that invariably earns him the nickname ‘Little Tiger’ wherever he goes.
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Mage/Thief
Skills and known spells (if any):
-Lock picking: Even as an Alfiq J’shar has learnt to pick locks through the use of Telekinesis spells.
-Sneak: A sort of byproduct of his sub-species but J’shar is very competent at sneaking and slinking.
-Alteration: As a necessity he has learnt to manipulate the world around him using magic to make up for his lack of ability otherwise.
-Destruction: He has no claws to speak of so had to learn to defend himself in other ways.
-Spells: Telekinesis, Detect Life, Telepathy, Lightning Bolt, Flame Cloak, Wall of Flames, Invisibility, Steadfast Ward, Healing.
Clothing / armor: None
Weapons: None except his not very fearsome claws
Miscellaneous items: None
Personality: Dependent upon his brother to act as his voice, strong willed and devious, will use people to achieve his goals.
Major flaw: Other than being less than a foot high and unable to manipulate the world if separated from magic and his brother?
Background: The brothers were born in the warm sands of Elsweyr in Dune, they quickly left though seeking adventure, fame and fortune (mostly fortune). They travelled together for a while and soon found themselves in Cyrodil, with no real interest in the war they made small amounts of gold trading with whoever had a need.
Quickly though they got bored of the inherent danger of trading with soldiers and looked for a safer haven. They had been told that Skyrim was safe and that many of their race had made a living in the area.
Skyrim was not the safe land they had been promised, Dragons and war disrupted their border crossing but cross they did. Eventually they fell in with a trading caravan run by Ri’saad. From here they forged links with the Thieves Guild, their unique set up allowing them to complete some of the more unusual requests received.
It is because of this skill that they have been sent to Valton, to establish a foothold for the guild in the fledgling hold.
12 cm..? 11 inch =/= 12 cm. 11 inch is 28 cm.

Just thinking about the spell-list there, they are quite powerful. Flame cloak & wall of flames, in addition to lightning bolt? How on nirn is anyone going to arrest the cat?

(kinda the same problem with his giant borther, how is anyone going to arrest him either?)

Other than that, nothing I can think of that can be thought of as unbalanced.

I'll put the sheets in the original post though, as accepted. If you feel like toning the spell-list down a bit, post here the changes or in a PM. If you don't post a change, we'll keep it as it is.
So I'm all caught up, but it seems like people are getting ready to call it a night. Shall I wait for a timeskip to the next morning then before making a post?
That's really up to you, however, morning isn't going to arrive in a few real-life days yet. I think a late evening arrival and introducion would work quite well.