» Fri May 04, 2012 6:43 am
We could always burn down Hela's Folly and kill Skarpi (maybe) in the process. Make the ruins a 'haunted sight' that only thieves and beggars lair in.
Should kinda become a second inn in time, a halfway house for the low lives or a sort of Ragged Flagon. An underground establishment or hostel.
Have the new inn be built from another house in Valton and an active player could take over the place, like GorbadPS3 or AyumiFan, maybe Smig.
Gavril's character (I think), as well as Jacqueline could do the touch up work to make the house into an inn. Getting help from some local workers.
Which could be played out by the local mercenaries looking for work. Hell, possibly even be a community effort if the burning down event is well felt.