Gotta do something quick before Daroska accuses my character of not doing anything all day again.
Haha, that was more of a joke. Although Alguidar should really be spending a lot of time farming and checking his products.
Or if not that, hiring further farmhands, expanding his customer base or purchasing more land to earn more profit of interest.
As well, I'm not sure whether Alguidar or Jacqueline support animal slaughter, but it seems to be a big business in skyrim.
So looking for a person to deal with that side of things (Roymund?) and a system in place to keep the best meat preserved.

I'm making my post.

anyways I won't have it finished until tonight since I've got to get ready (mentally and fysically) for my pretest.

Sorry for the delay.
@Daroska: do I add Khagra reaction as well or will you do it?
I think you know how the event plays out so I'll let you do Khagra's part. Just keep things in-character and I'll be ok with whatever you write up.