Woah man, it was just a joke. If you want me to I'll just edit that post. But yeah, I was just defending (or debating) before.
No need to leave or anything. You're greatly valued here, from what I've learned. And I think I speak for most when
I say that most people think you're doing an awesome job at organising us munchkins. Especially for how we react.
As well, I should say that I really like how you give me all these constructive criticisms, it really improves my skill at roleplaying.
I probably can appear a bit ungrateful or mad or anarchaic at times, however that's just my really, really odd way about doing things.
I've never meant to offend you. Actually the only thing that I can get angry at you about is sometimes using threats to enforce an opinion.
Otherwise you are one of the best advisors or mentors to have around. Your compliments you make to people are extremely appreciated.
So don't go! as only a super rabbit with the brain of Steven Hawkins could do what you do. And we really don't have the funds to do that.