Oh, seems the free internet near my house is slightly more reliable than I guessed. Fingers crossed there will be no Vinny disappearance at all
Anyway! Re: Asap's "uber" rant, while I hear what you are saying, I think you a missing the central reason uber characters are seen as poor writing form in many circles. A bad writer will make even the lowliest warrior uber by misunderstanding Rping etiquette, or not being savvy enough to how lucky a character can be, and so on. The real reason uber characters are frowned upon is they themselves are an example of poor writing (or lead to it). Precisely the things that
interest us about characters are their flaws, their shortcomings, were they fall in the crazy universe that is TES. The kind of character that
could (but of course, never will) solve almost any problem with some insane display of magic is instantly a less fascinating, or involving character.
Of course, things aren't quite that simple, because this is after all a fantasy roleplaying forum, and at the same time what brings us here is roleplaying fantastical characters who live amazing lives, or somehow have capacities more than our own. So there is a constant battle, between a interesting character, and an exciting one. In some Rps, like OPAP (and I assume IBT), these larger than life power-fulfilment characters flourish and lead to facinating stories, because we have whole kingdoms to play with (or for whatever other reasons). This is all a matter of taste, and I don't want to proscribe anything to anyone, but honestly, having RPed for 10 years now, my favourite thing about Valton as a setting is the lack of power-fantasy characters and the low-fantasy atmosphere that has grown here. While very powerful characters
can be used well, in my opinion their very absence makes us all RP better -it puts the focus on other things. This is a different scale RP, and I like it for that.
But, yeah, I don't want to proscribe my own tastes on everyone else, even as GM. I have to admit I'd rather not have any of these insanely powerful characters in Valton, and I'm in agreement with Gorbad that there should be a general limit on uber-ness. Some features that are interesting here are, for example, if an average character has a problem with magic, they got to the Court-Mage, if they are hungry, they go to the inn or to a merchant to buy food, if they have trouble with bandits they go to the local guard or a mercenary (or, even the lone sell-sword or two, if it is a real issue). These kind of dynamics I want to keep in place, but at the same time, if you have a character you really want to RP, I'm sure they can find a place here. But let's try and work with the town, and have someone who supports the theme of Valton, not counteracts it.
Err, finally, Valton really already does have a tutor/master for all things magical, my character Fiona Barrow-Heart. Right now she is my sole character, and tbh I'd kind of like her to stay a viable part of this RP for now, so my imput isn't all admin. Sorry