Valton: The New Hold OOC & Sign-Up Thread VIII

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:51 pm

Snow-whales solve all problems. It's true. Here's the revised character sheet:

That should satisfy any requirements or problems. Valton is in definite need of a contractor with all the jobless bums lurking about.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:28 pm

Edit: PFA: You're not expecting a guard-post are you (where the guard gives back her weapons etc)? :tongue:
Nah, the guard seems to be so stunned that her prancing up to him and just taking her weapons back while the guard silently considers a change in career will do.

Also regarding trust issues towards Sload, Leandra would probably be that second person not outright hostile to our potential new inhabbitant (though she would be silently mistrustful of him indeed). But given the fact she's a Synod-educated Daedra Hunter, and mad, it doesn't say much in favour of general Sload loving :tongue:
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:20 am

Not really much for Roymund to be doing until Jormaw sorts out his wound. Unless someone comes across to talk to him, or something similiar, i wont be posting until Daroska arrives.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:31 am

I'll post tonight, guys.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:08 pm

maybe someone hears him mumble "bloody healers" if I recall correctly and can ask if you are talking about the same elf from that midday and you could get pointed towards Nuramon as a good doctor and healer :P yes, yes, I'm advertising here :P
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:37 pm

Roymund welcomes a conversation by the fire, even if it is blatent advertisemant ;)
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:48 am

Nuramon is not in the inn but reading so someone who saw him working that midday should do the advertising then :P

anyway, I should get him to the new bookstore aswell. If no one interacts with him by the weekend then I'll make a post for him this friday.
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brenden casey
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:36 pm

Nuramon is not in the inn but reading so someone who saw him working that midday should do the advertising then :tongue:

anyway, I should get him to the new bookstore aswell. If no one interacts with him by the weekend then I'll make a post for him this friday.

Also I'm in progress of the post about Wolfgar. Anyway because lately I have been experiencing glitches I've been posting it slowly so the one you see isn't finished.
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Jessica White
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:01 am

I figured, no problem :)
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:03 pm

I'm sorry but can you just post another post with Daikanos now? That glitch just happended again and I'm not in the mood to restart the progress. I'll just replace it with a post about Danus later..

This is how mad I am... :swear: :stare: :wallbash: :facepalm: :brokencomputer:

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:24 pm

I'll try to find some time tomorrow, but it's to late now, and I'll have to study for math tomorrow.
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:28 pm

I'll try to find some time tomorrow, but it's to late now, and I'll have to study for math tomorrow.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:49 pm

Guys, I think I am going to depart from Valton. My primary reason is that I don't enjoy RPing my character as I find him too well... boring to RP as, so sadly I will write a post of him dying from a laborer's rebellion... and maybe I will write up another character that I can enjoy RPing.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:35 pm

When I get home from school i'll make another post for once. Also to answer your question about track Asap I do not really play for a state. I play for a catholic school in Indiana.

Well yeah that's kind of what I meant by where you play. I thought it would be odd to ask what school/district/region you played in.

I'm in Florida, 1A division. Coming into this season I was ranked 3rd in Region (Northeast Florida) and 17th in state for pole vault. :biggrin:
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:14 pm

I will post once my CS is approved.

Name: Theseus Naik

Age: 21

Race: Nord/Redguard

Gender: Male

Height: six feet three inches

Birthsign: The Atronach

Appearance: Theseus is tall with broad shoulders and a medium build. He has ear length black hair and attractive brown eyes. He has a long scar that runs underneath his right ear and a burn on his left arm. Theseus always has a placated look of intensity on his face.

Class: Warrior/ Vigilante

Skills: Theseus is a skilled swordsman and a master at throwing javelins. He can also create many makeshift traps. He knows no spells.

Clothing: Simple clothes underneath scaled leather armor that covers his whole body besides his head.

Weapons: Simple steel sword and three four-foot steel tipped javelins that he has in a makeshift quiver attached to his back.

Misc. Items: A small satchel that he uses to carry his supplies and a wineskin water jug.

Personality: Theseus has a strong sense of justice and will try to help anyone around him. He tends to be quiet around strangers but will be cheerful and hearty around anyone he considers a friend. He can also be reckless and loves danger.

Major flaws: Theseus's sense of justice and addiction to danger have gotten him into trouble on various accounts. He also has a weakness for women and will often freeze up and act awkwardly around them. He has a fear and hatred towards spiders. He also hates alcohol and refuses to drink any.

Background: Theseus was born in Markarth to a cruel drunken Nord. His father would often fly into a drunken rage and beat him. He never met his mother and would often day dream of her rescuing him from his father. At the age of twelve Theseus's father got a bit more drunk than usual and burned him with a firery piece of fire wood. At that moment Theseus decided to escape from his prison of a home. That night he gathered supplies and snuck out of the city.

He had not made it far before falling into a crevice face to face with a frostbite spider. The sight of the monster caused the young boy to faint. The creature was about to feast on its prey but was interrupted by a javelin to its back. It turned around only to be stabbed through the eye by an old imperial.

Theseus awoke in a small hut. His eyes fell upon his rescuer, A tall thin man probably in his early fifties. The man was an ex legionnaire who had witnessed many horrors of the Great War. His name was Andrell and he told the boy that he could stay as long as he carried his own weight.

Andrell became the father that Theseus never had and the two got along almost telepathically. During the day the two would fish by the stream that ran next to the imperial's hut and by night Andrell would school Theseus in the ways of combat.

Seven years passed as if they had merely been days. The now nineteen year old Theseus was returning to the hut after a long day of gathering ingredients for the nights dinner. Something seemed wrong though. He could see an unusual amount of smoke rising from where the two resided and Theseus broke into a run.

The sight he saw struck him like a punch to the gut. The charred remains of the hut lay in clumps around the dead body of his mentor. Three arrows protruded from his chest and his face was unrecognizable from what looked to be a mace strike. His steel sword lay limply in his dead hands. Now in a sobbing enraged state, Theseus swept up the sword and ran towards the foliage where the fresh steps of Andrell's killers where sprawled. I'm gonna kill them was the only thought on the young man's mind.

And indeed he did. I could go into detail but all that matters is that Theseus got his revenge, and since that day he vowed to become a force against evil and to stop tyranny wherever it may be.

His journeys eventually guided him to the town of Riften and that is where his story truly begins.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:00 pm

Well yeah that's kind of what I meant by where you play. I thought it would be odd to ask what school/district/region you played in.

I'm in Florida, 1A division. Coming into this season I was ranked 3rd in Region (Northeast Florida) and 17th in state for pole vault. :biggrin:
Pretty good. It's my first year in track so I don't have any records good or bad.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:21 pm

Sorry, but once again my nitpicking has returned.

[pointless nitpicking rant]

Mixing Corundum and Iron in a smelter won't produce steel. This is another one of those game mechanics that I hate so much. Corundum is actually the generic term for sapphires and rubies (the two are created by the presence of different impurities). Steel is actually created by adding carbon to iron. Most of the time this is done by adding coke or charcoal of some form. The increased carbon content in the iron makes the crystal lattices formed by iron molecules less likely to slide past each other (bending), as well as increasing it's rust resisting capabilities. However, throwing iron and charcoal/coke into a smelter will only get you what's called pig iron. Pig iron has an extremely high carbon content (3.5%-4.5%) and is very brittle and prone to breaking. Without refining pig iron it's pretty much useless. To make steel you have to refine the pig iron by removing enough carbon to get it down to about 0.2%-2.1% carbon. This process is rather complicated and takes a very skilled individual to do (using the medieval traditions of metallurgy). Therefore, steel is pretty damn hard to make without using the Bessemer Process (which wasn't developed until the 19th century), and would be rather expensive.

Sorry for the rant, but I just find it rather comical when someone uses game mechanics to do something in an RP. I was thinking that maybe knowing this, and having Gorbad (the character) know how to make steel, would add to his value as a part of Valton. Not to mention it would drag some time out since making steel takes longer than an hour or two. I mean if making steel was as easier as dropping a few pieces of ore in a smelter and watching liquid steel pour out then everyone could do it and Gorbad wouldn't be needed. Also, smelting ore is a process with multiple steps. First you have to remove any impurities in the ore, known as slag, and then you have to continue to refine it down into a pure state. Once it's in a pure state with minimal amounts of other minerals present then it can be fused with other ingredients to make the desired metal.

[/pointless nitpicking rant]

Moral of the story: don't follow what the game says; it's just a game, and I hate game mechanics. :tongue:

If we all followed game mechanics in RP's we would end up doing all the time.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:41 pm


You are going to hate me for this, but I actually preferred the old sheet. Regardless, the character is too overpowered, and nothing in the new one sheet addresses the problems I've voiced. The character isn't welcome in Valton. If you really, utterly 100% want to Rp a Sload, you can take a slightly scaled down power wise, but more normal in appearance one, and have him operate outside the town itself, in the wild. I'm not sure how much he'd be involved in the RP, but we could easily work out reasons for people to visit him (Fiona, for a start). That's the best I can offer.


Nice sheet. Character accepted. Welcome to Valton :smile:

Sorry, but once again my nitpicking has returned.

[pointless nitpicking rant]

Mixing Corundum and Iron in a smelter won't produce steel. This is another one of those game mechanics that I hate so much. Corundum is actually the generic term for sapphires and rubies (the two are created by the presence of different impurities). Steel is actually created by adding carbon to iron. Most of the time this is done by adding coke or charcoal of some form. The increased carbon content in the iron makes the crystal lattices formed by iron molecules less likely to slide past each other (bending), as well as increasing it's rust resisting capabilities. However, throwing iron and charcoal/coke into a smelter will only get you what's called pig iron. Pig iron has an extremely high carbon content (3.5%-4.5%) and is very brittle and prone to breaking. Without refining pig iron it's pretty much useless. To make steel you have to refine the pig iron by removing enough carbon to get it down to about 0.2%-2.1% carbon. This process is rather complicated and takes a very skilled individual to do (using the medieval traditions of metallurgy). Therefore, steel is pretty damn hard to make without using the Bessemer Process (which wasn't developed until the 19th century), and would be rather expensive.

Sorry for the rant, but I just find it rather comical when someone uses game mechanics to do something in an RP. I was thinking that maybe knowing this, and having Gorbad (the character) know how to make steel, would add to his value as a part of Valton. Not to mention it would drag some time out since making steel takes longer than an hour or two. I mean if making steel was as easier as dropping a few pieces of ore in a smelter and watching liquid steel pour out then everyone could do it and Gorbad wouldn't be needed. Also, smelting ore is a process with multiple steps. First you have to remove any impurities in the ore, known as slag, and then you have to continue to refine it down into a pure state. Once it's in a pure state with minimal amounts of other minerals present then it can be fused with other ingredients to make the desired metal.

[/pointless nitpicking rant]

Moral of the story: don't follow what the game says; it's just a game, and I hate game mechanics. :tongue:

If we all followed game mechanics in RP's we would end up doing all the time.

[equally pointless, counter-nit-picking rant]

Sorry but I'd have to disagree with you there. You have got everything a bit topsy-turvy. While we shouldn't slavishly follow game mechanics, we also should never abandon in-game lore because it does not conform with how things go in reality. There was a lively debate about this in a thread on these forums a few weeks ago, the general consensus being that certain parties would have to agree to disagree - ultimately it lies with whomever is the GM in any particular RP. In this case that's me =/.

My position is this: treat the games as the text. All the world that we RP in, exists in that same universe. Although not strickly true to the setting of Tamriel, what we are given in the Elder Scrolls games are prompts, with which to work out how the world works. Doing something with iron and corundum at a smelter produces steel. The correct response is not to ignore this, but to learn something from it (namely Tamrielic steel isn't made in the same way as our own). This method is how the lore has been made so far, by every dev who has ever worked at Bethesda, and countless peeps on the lore forums. You add, and add, and add, explaining the contradictions with more fluff, fluff that confuses everything and ties it all together into some ridiculous mess. TES lore is unlike almost any other in how it is alive - every few years we receive this huge text (a game), that brings everything to life in a new way, including countless actual pieces of literature.

One other style of RPing is to ignore the games and try and make things as close to real life as possible. I'm not for ever even considering that. I try to follow the techniques the in-game literature writers follow as closely as possible. You could argue for either style, but I'm kind of putting my foot down here and saying which one Valton follows. Find a silly game mechanic, find a sillier explanation. It is, simply put, the Elder Scrolls way.

[/equally pointless, counter-nit-picking rant]
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:37 am

Also is it fine If Theseus kills a bandit or two while journeying to Valton?
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:50 pm

Of course. No one likes bandits.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:37 pm

Of course. No one likes bandits.
You're one to talk; my mother is a bandit :stare:
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:23 am

You are going to hate me for this, but I actually preferred the old sheet. Regardless, the character is too overpowered, and nothing in the new one sheet addresses the problems I've voiced. The character isn't welcome in Valton. If you really, utterly 100% want to Rp a Sload, you can take a slightly scaled down power wise, but more normal in appearance one, and have him operate outside the town itself, in the wild. I'm not sure how much he'd be involved in the RP, but we could easily work out reasons for people to visit him (Fiona, for a start). That's the best I can offer.

Nice sheet. Character accepted. Welcome to Valton :smile:

[equally pointless, counter-nit-picking rant]

Sorry but I'd have to disagree with you there. You have got everything a bit topsy-turvy. While we shouldn't slavishly follow game mechanics, we also should never abandon in-game lore because it does not conform with how things go in reality. There was a lively debate about this in a thread on these forums a few weeks ago, the general consensus being that certain parties would have to agree to disagree - ultimately it lies with whomever is the GM in any particular RP. In this case that's me =/.

My position is this: treat the games as the text. All the world that we RP in, exists in that same universe. Although not strickly true to the setting of Tamriel, what we are given in the Elder Scrolls games are prompts, with which to work out how the world works. Doing something with iron and corundum at a smelter produces steel. The correct response is not to ignore this, but to learn something from it (namely Tamrielic steel isn't made in the same way as our own). This method is how the lore has been made so far, by every dev who has ever worked at Bethesda, and countless peeps on the lore forums. You add, and add, and add, explaining the contradictions with more fluff, fluff that confuses everything and ties it all together into some ridiculous mess. TES lore is unlike almost any other in how it is alive - every few years we receive this huge text (a game), that brings everything to life in a new way, including countless actual pieces of literature.

One other style of RPing is to ignore the games and try and make things as close to real life as possible. I'm not for ever even considering that. I try to follow the techniques the in-game literature writers follow as closely as possible. You could argue for either style, but I'm kind of putting my foot down here and saying which one Valton follows. Find a silly game mechanic, find a sillier explanation. It is, simply put, the Elder Scrolls way.

[/equally pointless, counter-nit-picking rant]

I was just suggesting that he could maybe make more of his posts and elaborate more on how the steel is made so that it defines his character as a very skilled, and needed, smith. I didn't mean to come off in a way that sounded as if I was berating him for following game mechanics to a T. However now that I've gone back and read it a few times I can see how it would be interpreted that way; I kinda went off on a tangent halfway through :tongue:.

I simply wanted to elaborate on how steel is made so that he might perhaps in turn work it into the RP to add more of a realistic feel to what Gorbad (the character) is doing. Instead of saying he dropped corundum and iron into a smelter and out popped steel he could explain the process a little more in depth to show that it is complicated, and few can do it right. It would make his character sound like a much more valuable asset to Valton. As I said in my earlier post, if it was as simple as throwing some ore into a big melting pot and letting it liquefy then what's the point of having an extremely talented smith do it?

Again, I didn't intend to make it sound as though I was telling him "No you're doing that wrong do it this way," but more like "Hey, maybe you could work this into your posts to make smithing things more interesting and give it some pizzazz."

Also, there's a difference between game mechanics and lore. Game mechanics are things implemented to make the game run properly and function as a video game. Lore is the world that the game is based off of. At least that's how I see it. I would never run around going "And Fred shot a fireball at Bob who retaliated by using a paralyze rune on Fred. Fred dodge it and used ice spear on Bob," which is what you do in the games because there is no possibly way to convey the concept of magick (which has infinite possibilities) through a video game that runs on absolute values and scripts.

Placing corundum and iron ore into a smelter, and doing nothing else, to create steel is a game mechanic in my point of view. Since there is no absolute value in reality for things of that nature (There's no such thing as 1 iron ore + 1 corundum ore = 1 steel ingot. There are specific proportions and what not you have to follow), I believe that particular game mechanic can be ignored and replaced with a more immersive and realistic one.
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George PUluse
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:03 pm

You are going to hate me for this, but I actually preferred the old sheet. Regardless, the character is too overpowered, and nothing in the new one sheet addresses the problems I've voiced. The character isn't welcome in Valton. If you really, utterly 100% want to Rp a Sload, you can take a slightly scaled down power wise, but more normal in appearance one, and have him operate outside the town itself, in the wild. I'm not sure how much he'd be involved in the RP, but we could easily work out reasons for people to visit him (Fiona, for a start). That's the best I can offer.

I was hoping for a positive response after it took me ages to fix up the sheet with Gorbad's points.
Ah *sigh*, let me just go to play some Bobby Mcferrin's 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' for a moment..

*comes back sniffing* I'll just give him up, I suppose. Hard crush on the old morale in me though. :confused:
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liz barnes
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:52 am

:thumbsup: I approve this CS even though my opinion is pure opinion and has no value.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:25 pm

It's official, Xerces is dead :biggrin: :clap: :twirl: :clap: :biggrin: I'm free! I will most likely make another, less boring character.
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Steve Bates
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