Good point. Me and your mother got on quite well LAST NIGHT IN BED.

I simply wanted to elaborate on how steel is made so that he might perhaps in turn work it into the RP to add more of a realistic feel to what Gorbad (the character) is doing. Instead of saying he dropped corundum and iron into a smelter and out popped steel he could explain the process a little more in depth to show that it is complicated, and few can do it right. It would make his character sound like a much more valuable asset to Valton. As I said in my earlier post, if it was as simple as throwing some ore into a big melting pot and letting it liquefy then what's the point of having an extremely talented smith do it?
Again, I didn't intend to make it sound as though I was telling him "No you're doing that wrong do it this way," but more like "Hey, maybe you could work this into your posts to make smithing things more interesting and give it some pizzazz."
Also, there's a difference between game mechanics and lore. Game mechanics are things implemented to make the game run properly and function as a video game. Lore is the world that the game is based off of. At least that's how I see it. I would never run around going "And Fred shot a fireball at Bob who retaliated by using a paralyze rune on Fred. Fred dodge it and used ice spear on Bob," which is what you do in the games because there is no possibly way to convey the concept of magick (which has infinite possibilities) through a video game that runs on absolute values and scripts.
Placing corundum and iron ore into a smelter, and doing nothing else, to create steel is a game mechanic in my point of view. Since there is no absolute value in reality for things of that nature (There's no such thing as 1 iron ore + 1 corundum ore = 1 steel ingot. There are specific proportions and what not you have to follow), I believe that particular game mechanic can be ignored and replaced with a more immersive and realistic one.
Aah, in which case, I take back my rather snappy rant too. I totally agree with the point that detail is best - actually I think Gorbad is generally really good at this. He gives the mundane a lot of love (one of the main reasons I picked him as a GM).
The only bit of what you say I do have issue with is
Which to me is tantamount to saying gameplay and story are something different in games (They are not). The gameplay itself is a text. Of course there are degrees to how seriously we should take it, many mechanics clearly should not be taken seriously, and are a simplification. A part the in-game sources tend to play is filling in the gaps, and helping the bits that don't make sense to fit into the world we are meant to be inhabiting. Gameplay mechanics are part of the lore, but often the part we can toy with the most. The connection between magicka reserves and the casting of spells, for instance, is something we only learn from gameplay. When we write, we can build on this, but also ignoring the bits that are clearly there for the structure of the game (like the numbers, or certain rigid spell structures). I'm not one for making big distinctions. Everything is lore, but some lore we are meant to take more seriously than other bits, is all I'm saying. Broadly, I think we agree on this.
Ah *sigh*, let me just go to play some Bobby Mcferrin's 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' for a moment..
*comes back sniffing* I'll just give him up, I suppose. Hard crush on the old morale in me though.

Ah man, I'm really sorry. I feel like such a swit for this. Honestly I love the CS (especially the first one), might be my favourite CS we've had in the entire RP. But it just didn't fit. Maybe you could try it in OPAP or somewhere? Sounds like such an awesome character.