yeah, I didn't pay much attention to it but Asap's got a point. anyway, maybe he sortof took care of it good enough to make it to the city ? 
anyway, if things keep going like this Nuramon will need a special room where he can put all his patients. I hope your character doesn't mind laying on the table, Disturbing? Nuramon isn't goin to offer his own bed and as far as he knows Sargon is still asleep and Nuramon has only one guest room. and the couch has been taken as well. Wow I'll have to organise things

anyway, if things keep going like this Nuramon will need a special room where he can put all his patients. I hope your character doesn't mind laying on the table, Disturbing? Nuramon isn't goin to offer his own bed and as far as he knows Sargon is still asleep and Nuramon has only one guest room. and the couch has been taken as well. Wow I'll have to organise things