Gavril, that is amazing. Woo!
Daroska, I love the character, but I can't see him being employed by anyone in the town. There is no race more despised than the Sload, even to this day. You are free to try and work him into the RP, but I'm afraid he would have to be working freelance, without the blessings of Jarl Spurvhauke. Maybe he could live in some cave on the edge of the town? The only problem is, half the characters in the RP would naturally want to go and slay him immediately if they found out he was there - and the Jarl would likely support such an action.
Hmmmm. How about Fiona though? couldn't she summon him into the RP (through conjuration) and explain to the Jarl that he is no beast to be feared?
At any rate I'm sure the most of the characters in town have viewed a sload before. Half of the characters are travellers, after all.
The only person I'd worry about attacking him would be Alguidar. Otherwise they should all be at least neutral with him.
Actually I'd imagine aSaPp!5@'s new character to get along quite well with him. Since there tendencies are more or less the same.
Then there's Skarpi who served as a sailor, whom I'm sure would of made numerous contacts among the sload.
So honestly, Vincent, I don't see your point here. There's tamriel's prejudice against sload and then there's valton's.
Valton isn't exactly the traditional nord's town full of racist bigots. It's an acceptable place, offering a position even for a dwemer weirdo, an argonian or an orc.