Oh dear lord We will not turn this into an inceptionesque confusion discussion Now I don't think anyone wants to make a night post so I Forward the motion that we move to morning immediatly.
You cannot voice the opinion of those who aren't online now, that's why we'll wait.

However, AyumiFan does have a point. But it doesn't feel like a night when no-one has posted that their character went to bed.

But if you feel like writing a morning post, then you must assume that everyone elses character is still alseep unless posted otherwise. So yeah, if you want to post morning posts, go ahead: With minimal interaction in the morning until everyone has woken up.
Note: I doubt anyone slept well this RP night, due to the constant howling. Basically, more than one citizen should be pretty pissed off at the wolves and almost demand one or both of the hunters to have deal with the situation. (they are wounded though, so it's highly unlikely they'll do it). Deal with the wolf situation as you want, I just threw it out there for someone to have something interesting to do.