Name: Erutáron (lit. "lofty God") (Air-oo-tar-onn)
Age: 45
Race: Bosmer
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11
Birthsign: The Shadow
Appearence: Well fit Bosmer with long red hair with an overlaying back hanging ponytail. He is clean shaven and well kept.
Skills and Known Spells: He is a Master Archer and Alchemist. He is an established hunter and handy with making good use of pelts for clothes and armor. He can command animals and is resistant to poison and disease. He uses no spells.
Clothing/Armor:He wears Hide Armor and hide boots when hunting. He wears belted tunics and fines boots in towns and cities.
Weapons: He has an Elven Bow and an assortment of arrows. He also has a huting
Misc Items: Enchanted Gloves of Archery, given to him by his father.
Personality: Laid back and easy going. Hard worker and lover of animals.
Major Flaw: Too trusting.
Background: Erutáron was born in Valenwood on the 17th day of the First Seed. He was raised by his father, Artoro, since his mother was brutally attacked and killed by a rouge vampire wandering the hills of Valenwood. Artoro hunted dwn the vampire and killed it with Erutáron in tow. Artoro taught Erutáron everything there was about being a great hunter. They hunted everyday and learned to live on what the world offered them. Artoro would never let Erutáron hunt the Big Game animals though. He longed to hunt them. Erutáron considered himself the greatest hunter of all Tamriel and wanted, so desparately to prove it with the pelts of bears, sabre cats and whatever else roamed Tamriel.
Erutáron won every archery contest in his hometown but still had a strong pineing to tackle, what he considered his greatest challenge, and that was Big Game hunting. Artoro was too protective of Erutáron and wanted to stay as safe as possible. He already lost his wife, he could not bear to lose his son or worse, leave his son alone in this world. One day Erutáron left his home and set out alone to hunt the game of his life. If his father wouldn't take him, he would do it alone.He had gone out to the plains he had hunted as a boy and knew once he crossed the river to the south, the hunt would be on. It took him 2 days to reach the river and he crossed it. He wondered what his father was doing and if he would be mad at him. He shook those thoughts and focused on what was truly important, the hunt. he spent 2 more days south of the river and to much dismay, nothing to show for it but some fox skins and a slew of deer meat. No big game here. He decided to head home.
He was about a few hours from home when he first saw the smoke rising above where his village usually sits. The black smoke rose like a tower hundreds of feet in the sky. Erutáron's heart sunk as he raced towards his village, his father? Was he alive? Was he hurt? How could he have been so selfish to leave his father after all he has done for me? He never left me alone, he always kept me safe. Why did I have to leave? These questions circled Erutáron's mind until he reached the village.
He was not ready to see what lay ahead. His whole village lay dead in the streets, murdered by what? How? He started shouting for his father, but no answer. Was there nobody left? He reached his house but not in enough time, there lay Artoro in a puddle of blood with his bow in his hand and a claymore in his back. The whole town was desolated. Nobody was around. He saw a shimmering light off in the distance. It was coming from the woods where he and his friends played as children. He raced t the woods and found 10-12 Bosmer folks huddled in the trees. He recognized them from the village and they explained that the village was attacked by Daedra and that they were able to escape but nobody else survived. They told Erutáron that his father refused to leave his house and come to the woods for safety. He would not come without you they said. "He died waiting for you so that you would be safe."
Erutáron was sick to his stomach and now riddled with even more guilt. He was asked to stay and help rebuild the village with the 12 that survived. He declined and set out towards Skyrim. He could not stay in Valenwood. He needed to get away. He decided to head to Skyrim. He needed to get far away and he decided to give up hunting. the thought of it turned his stomach. He decided to enter the horse trade and figured Skyrim would be the perfect place to do so.
After arriving in Skyrim, it did not take Erutáron too long to realize that this country was worse off than Valenwood. It was in the middle of a civil war and dragons were attacking towns. Erutáron hunted for about a year and killed many Big Game animals. However, this did not bring him the pleasure he once thought it would. His life was empty and for the first time, he realized he was lonely. He heard of a new hold starting up called Valton and decided he would head there to settle down, hunt the surrounding area, open a stable there, since most of the other Holds already had a stable, but Valton did not. He hoped to also find a wife there and start a family of his own and possibly have a son and name him Artoto and never leave him alone and always keep him safe.
Don't you think he should have at least
some knowledge of horses before setting up a stable from the blue?

I'll accept the sheet, but when someone starts reading it as it is now... It'll take forever before they get to that last sentences where it turns out "oh, he's not a hunter.. But a stable guy." If you know what I mean. The char-sheet is there so that others can give it an organised read-through to get to know your character. Currently, it's more confusing than anything

But as I said, I'll accept that if you don't want to edit it to have a bit more of that stable-thing in it.
Hope this is alright, I talked to Vincent about it a bit. I might tinker with the bio a bit tomorrow, but for right now it'll do.
Spoiler Name: Ulfgar Holdin
Age: 35
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Height: 6’0
Weight: 185lb.
Birth-sign: Warrior
Class: Sailor/Smuggler/Sell Sword
- One-Handed
- Two-Handed
- Speech
- Light Armor
- Archery
Clothing / armor:
- Fur Boots
- Tan Pants
- Brown Belted Tunic
- Thick Black Hooded Cloak
- Thick Gloves
- Fur Hat
- Steel Dagger
- Steel War Axe
- Steel Sword
- Crossbow
Miscellaneous items:
- Large personal collection of Alcohol
- Dried Food Goods
- Whet Stone
- Several Healing Potions
- Spyglass
Personality: Ulfgar is a Nord who has many sides to him, at a time when most have just one or two. When it comes to the trade and business Ulfgar does, he is a tough and unwavering trader, which comes off as a cold focus to many who deal with him. If a trade agreement doesn’t go in Ulfgar’s favor, he’s not at all unwilling to come at the situation another way, even if that means a more brutish approach the other side doesn’t know about. He has a very grey sense of right and wrong, nothing is black and white to him, and to many of those who see just one side or the other, Ulfgar usually avoids them. This lack of black and white morality, leads Ulfgar to also take seedier and more questionable jobs, along with the cleaner jobs he also takes. He’s not opposed to moving things illegal, or morally questionable that other traveling traders would otherwise keep away from. But aside from the cold trader side, Ulfgar’s less stringent and focused side often gets him into just as much trouble, usually with the city guard for being drunk and what follows. Aside from that though, respect and trust are two things Ulfgar holds in the highest regard, but often has a different way than usual of showing either.
Major flaw: Drunkard
Background: Born in the city of Markarth, Ulfgar lived the life of a miner’s son for several years. By the time Ulfgar was just 15, he himself had taken up the life of working a mine with no other viable options available to him, for just 3 years. His life in Markarth, when not working in the hot sweaty mines, was filled with reading about adventures and other exciting things that Markarth didn’t lead him to. His father had been a miner all his life, and his father before. Ulfgar, inspired and interested in what was happening out in the world, was not so set on continuing the family line. When he turned 20, Ulfgar set out into the world, set on having his own world adventures, just like the heroes and adventurers in his stories. He said goodbye to his mother and father in Markarth, and hit the road.
His life on the road for the most part, was uneventful and not as he imagined it being. What jobs he did take, didn’t pan out to be as he’d thought they be: they were dangerous in some cases, the payment was too little for the amount of danger Ulfgar took on, and in some cases, the pay wasn’t even handed over when completed. The adventures and people he’d read about in his books, just didn’t seem to be there for him. Slowly, Ulfgar began to get disillusioned with the life of being an adventurer.
But after several years of “adventuring”, Ulfgar found himself a job suitable for someone willing to move around and see places, but have a relatively steady flow of income at the same time, with the guarantee of being payed each time. It was in the city of Riften, Ulfgar joined the crew of a small, independent, and self-made trading group who went up and down the rivers of Skyrim when they could, to trade goods and other things. It was here, Ulfgar began to become the Nord he is today. Through the years of trading up and down the river ways, meeting the various traders and business dealers, Ulfgar began to see the life he’d looked for for so long.
Unbeknown to him until that time, the life of a traveling trader was an adventure all on it’s own, that was as adventurous and dangerous as the stories he’d read. All those stories he’d read in books, fit perfectly into the life of a trader who dealt with everyone, and knew a lot of things. Acting as an “apprentice” to his boss, Ulfgar saw first hand the deceit, backstabbing, and dirty underbelly of the trading life he and the crew were apart of. It was here, Ulfgar began to form his own ways of doing business, and taking care of those who double-crossed or were dishonest, among other things. He learned how to get even without necessarily having to use a sword or bow, and how to get his way in the business when the other side wouldn’t oblige.
But it was the murder of his boss, that Ulfgar and the rest of the crew became even more cynical and dark. While visiting the town of Dawnstar for business on one of their seedier jobs, Ulfgar and the crew’s boss was killed in the night. They had all been ordered to stay on the boat while their boss went and dealt with the people they were working with. It wasn’t until dawn, that someone from the town came and informed them of their murdered boss. Angry and wanting revenge, Ulfgar and the rest of the crew gathered their necessary things, and started out on land in search of their boss’s murderers. It wasn’t very far from Dawnstar, that the murderers had made camp and were discovered. Without hesitation or a second thought, Ulfgar and the crew butchered the murderers, leaving them in literally, dozens of pieces.
Since the death of their boss, Ulfgar and the small five man crew have continued to work as they had before. They currently find themselves in Riften.
This sheet was clearly written before the umm... Other smuggler and other thieves guild came into Valton. Having two smuggling operations compete against other, while at the same time having the thieves guild stealing sutff in Valton would be the outcome if this sheet was accepted. Basically, you're stepping on the toes of Athell's characters and Glass Argonian's character...
Edit: If you'd make your group of smugglers smaller, say only your main character in addition to two others, then perhaps you could co-operate with the other smuggler who's in Valton. Or, you could be rivals. However, I don't like the idea of such a large group of smuggler being present, in addition to another group of smugglers. Two small groups is OK, but not more than that.